ECC Reports

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Published Title Description Status Download
2024-09-27 ECC Report 359 Coexistence between the radionavigation-satellite and the amateur services in the frequency range 1240-1300 MHz Active
2024-06-28 ECC Report 358 In-band and adjacent bands sharing studies to assess the feasibility of the shared use of the 3.8-4.2 GHz frequency band by terrestrial wireless broadband low/medium power (WBB LMP) systems providing local-area network connectivity Active
2024-06-07 ECC Report 357 Regulatory analyses of satellite use in the band 862-870 MHz to communicate with terrestrial SRD
2024-05-10 ECC Report 356 Technical analysis to support the ECC Recommendation on receiver resilience to transmission on adjacent frequency ranges
2024-05-10 ECC Report 355 Measurement-based compatibility studies assessing interference from Very Low Power (VLP) Wireless Access Systems including Radio Local Area Networks (WAS/RLAN) operating in 5945-6425 MHz to Communication Based Train Control (CBTC) systems operating in 5915-5935 MHz Active
2024-02-02 ECC Report 313 Technical study for co-existence between RMR in the 900 MHz range and other applications in adjacent bands

approved May 2020, editorial update 2 February 2024
2023-11-28 ECC Report 354 Defining and Calculating Availability of Space in Cable Ducts Active
2023-06-16 ECC Report 353 Cross-border coordination and synchronisation for Railway Mobile Radio (RMR) networks in the 1900-1910 MHz TDD frequency band Active
2023-06-16 ECC Report 352 Harmonised conditions and spectrum bands for the operation of governmental Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Active
2023-06-09 ECC Report 173 Fixed Service in Europe Current use and future trends post 2022

approved March 2012 and latest amended 9 June 2023
2023-02-03 ECC Report 351 UWB radiodetermination applications within the frequency range 116 GHz to 148.5 GHz for vehicular use Active
2023-02-03 ECC Report 349 Unwanted emissions of IRIDIUM NEXT satellites in the band 1610.6-1613.8 MHz, monitoring campaign of November 2020 to May 2021 Active
2023-02-03 ECC Report 350 Radiodetermination equipment for ground based vehicular applications in 77-81 GHz Active
2023-02-03 ECC Report 334 UWB radiodetermination applications in the frequency range 116-260 GHz

approved January 2022, amended 3 February 2023
2022-11-18 ECC Report 348 Usage of aerial UE in 1.8 GHz, 2 GHz and 2.6 GHz frequency bands with MFCN AAS base stations Active
2022-11-18 ECC Report 347 Analysis of the suitability and update of the regulatory technical conditions for 5G MFCN and AAS operation in the 2300-2400 MHz band Active
2022-10-07 ECC Report 342 Microwave Point-to-Multipoint technologies based on active antennas for 5G backhaul above 27.5 GHz Active
2022-10-07 ECC Report 345 In-band measurement methodologies for 5G AAS base stations in the field Active
2022-10-07 ECC Report 344 Sharing and compatibility studies of Security Scanners (SScs) within frequency range 60-82 GHz Active
2022-10-07 ECC Report 343 New coexistence studies between various Short range device (SRD) applications and SRDs in data networks in the frequency band 915-919.4 MHz Active
2022-10-07 ECC Report 346 Technical studies on sharing between weather radars in part of 5365-5470 MHz and EESS (active) Active
2022-10-07 ECC Report 249 Unwanted emissions of common radio systems: measurements and use in sharing/compatibility studies

approved 29 April 2016 and latest amended 7 October 2022
2022-07-01 ECC Report 341 Coverage availability and performance aspects for 5G NR Active
2022-06-07 ECC Report 337 Public numbering resources for mobile non-public networks Active
2022-06-07 ECC Report 338 CLI Spoofing Active
2022-06-07 ECC Report 339 eCall Call-back Functionality Active
2022-05-23 ECC Report 340 Receiver selectivity performance of satellite Earth stations in the band 3800-4200 MHz Active
2022-03-04 ECC Report 336 Compatibility study between wideband Mobile Communication services operating 5G NR non-AAS system in 1800 MHz and 2.6 GHz bands on board Vessels (MCV) and land-based MFCN networks Active
2022-01-28 ECC Report 322 Compatibility analysis (inter-service and intra service) for S-PCS below 1 GHz Active
2022-01-28 ECC Report 335 Sensing mechanism for uncoordinated FSS Earth stations in 28 GHz to protect fixed service

Complementary Report to ECC Report 304

2022-01-28 ECC Report 332 Technical compatibility studies related to UAS (Unmanned Aircraft System) in the 1880-1920 MHz band Active
2022-01-28 ECC Report 333 Non-beam Wireless Power Transmission (WPT) applications other than WPT-EV operating in various frequency bands below 30 MHz Active
2021-11-24 ECC Report 328 Regulatory impact on Number Portability following migration to an all-IP environment Active
2021-11-24 ECC Report 324 Study of issues related to calls to emergency services from devices that are SIM-less or in Limited Service State (LSS) for another reason Active
2021-11-05 ECC Report 331 Efficient usage of the spectrum at the border of CEPT countries between TDD MFCN in the frequency band 3400-3800 MHz Active
2021-10-08 ECC Report 330 To enable WAS/RLAN use on a national basis in the band 5725-5850 MHz but also ensure the protection of RTTT/Smart Tachograph and radars (including Fast Frequency Hopping) taking into account free circulation of WAS/RLAN Active
2021-10-08 ECC Report 329 Implementation of digital voice radio telephony in the VHF maritime mobile band Active
2021-10-01 ECC Report 327 Technical studies for the update of the Ultra Wide Band (UWB) regulatory framework in the band 6.0 GHz to 8.5 GHz Active
2021-10-01 ECC Report 326 Implementation conditions of SRD up to 500 mW in the first RFID interrogator channel centred at 916.3 MHz of the frequency band 915-919.4 MHz Active
2021-04-23 ECC Report 325 Compatibility and technical feasibility of coexistence studies for the potential introduction of new terrestrial applications operating in the 2483.5-2500 MHz frequency band with existing services / applications in the same band and adjacent bands Active
2021-04-23 ECC Report 271 Compatibility and sharing studies related to NGSO satellite systems operating in the FSS bands 10.7-12.75 GHz (space-to-Earth) and 14-14.5 GHz (Earth-to-space)

approved 26 January 2018 and latest amended 23 April 2021
2021-02-12 ECC Report 323 Spectrum use and future spectrum requirements for PMSE Active
2020-10-02 ECC Report 319 Sharing and compatibility implications of high capacity P-P systems using a single channel instead of two adjacent channels with the same total bandwidth Active
2020-10-02 ECC Report 320 Band and Carrier Aggregation in fixed point-to-point systems Active
2020-10-02 ECC Report 321 Radio frequency test methods, tools and test results for wind turbines in relation to the Radio Astronomy Service Active
2020-10-02 ECC Report 247 Description of the software tool for processing of measurements data of IRIDIUM satellites at the Leeheim station

amended 2 October 2020
2020-07-03 ECC Report 309 Analysis of the usage of aerial UE for communication in current MFCN harmonised bands Active
2020-07-03 ECC Report 318 Compatibility between RMR and MFCN in the 900 MHz range, the 1900-1920 MHz band and the 2290-2300 MHz band Active
2020-07-03 ECC Report 317 Additional work on 26 GHz to address spectrum use under authorisation regimes other than individual rights of use: Technical toolkit to assist administrations Active
2020-05-27 ECC Report 312 Measuring and evaluating Mobile Internet Access Service Quality (Mobile IASQ) Active
2020-05-27 ECC Report 311 Sub-assignment and number hosting - Implementation models, rights of use and obligations for E.164 numbers across the electronic communications supply chain Active
2020-05-21 ECC Report 314 Co-existence between Future Railway Mobile Communication System (FRMCS) in the frequency range 1900-1920 MHz and other applications in adjacent bands Active
2020-05-21 ECC Report 315 Feasibility of spectrum sharing between High-Definition Ground Based Synthetic Aperture Radar (HD-GBSAR) application using 1 GHz bandwidth within 74-81 GHz and existing services and applications Active
2020-05-21 ECC Report 316 Sharing studies assessing short-term interference from Wireless Access Systems including Radio Local Area Networks (WAS/RLAN) into Fixed Service in the frequency band 5925-6425 MHz Active
2020-05-21 ECC Report 200 ECC Report 200: "Co-existence studies for proposed SRD and RFID applications in the frequency 870-876 MHz/915-921 MHz"

Addendum to ECC Report 200: "Additional co-existence studies between SRDs/RFIDs and E-GSM-R in the 900 MHz frequency band"
2020-03-06 ECC Report 306 CEPT investigations on possible usage of low power audio PMSE in the band 960-1164 MHz Active
2020-03-06 ECC Report 307 Toolbox for the most appropriate synchronisation regulatory framework including coexistence of MFCN in 24.25-27.5 GHz in unsynchronised and semi-synchronised mode Active
2020-03-06 ECC Report 308 Analysis of the suitability and update of the regulatory technical conditions for 5G MFCN and AAS operation in the 2500-2690 MHz band Active
2020-02-14 ECC Report 305 M2M/IoT Operation via Satellite Active
2020-01-31 ECC Report 310 Evaluation of receiver parameters and the future role of receiver characteristics in spectrum management, including in sharing and compatibility studies Active
2020-01-31 ECC Report 217 The Use of Land, Maritime and Aeronautical Earth Stations on Mobile Platforms Operating with NGSO FSS Satellite Systems in the Frequency Range 17.3-20.2 GHz, 27.5-29.1 GHz and 29.5-30.0 GHz

approved 13 February 2015 and latest amended 31 January 2020
2019-10-02 ECC Report 304 Advanced technologies for fixed GSO FSS Earth Stations in the 27.5-29.5 GHz band Active
2019-07-05 ECC Report 303 Guidance to administrations for Coexistence between 5G and Fixed Links in the 26 GHz band ("Toolbox") Active
2019-05-29 ECC Report 302 Sharing and compatibility studies related to Wireless Access Systems including Radio Local Area Networks (WAS/RLAN) in the frequency band 5925-6425 MHz Active
2019-05-22 ECC Report 300 A country-by-country analysis on defining PSAP-side statistics to quantify the effectiveness of emergency caller location information received for mobile calls Active
2019-05-22 ECC Report 301 Provision of Caller Location Information from Private/Corporate Networks Active
2019-03-08 ECC Report 299 Measures to address potential blocking of MES operating in bands adjacent to 1518 MHz (including 1525-1559 MHz) at sea ports and airports Active
2019-03-08 ECC Report 296 National synchronisation regulatory framework options in 3400-3800 MHz: a toolbox for coexistence of MFCNs in synchronised, unsynchronised and semi-synchronised operation in 3400-3800 MHz Active
2019-03-08 ECC Report 297 Analysis of the suitability and update of the regulatory technical conditions for 5G MFCN and AAS operation in the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz bands Active
2019-03-08 ECC Report 298 Analysis of the suitability and update of the regulatory technical conditions for 5G MFCN and AAS operation in the 1920-1980 MHz and 2110-2170 MHz band Active
2019-03-08 ECC Report 295 Guidance on Cross-border coordination between MFCN and Aeronautical Telemetry Systems in the 1429-1518 MHz band Active
2019-02-08 ECC Report 292 Current Use, Future Opportunities and Guidance to Administrations for the 400 MHz PMR/PAMR frequencies Active
2019-02-08 ECC Report 293 Mobile Spectrum Monitoring Units Active
2019-02-08 ECC Report 294 Assessment of the spectrum needs for future railway mobile radio (RMR) communications Active
2019-01-25 ECC Report 290 Studies to examine the applicability of ECC Reports 101 and 228 for various Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) technologies under EC Mandate (RSCOM 17-26Rev.3) Active
2019-01-25 ECC Report 291 Compatibility studies between smart tachograph, weight&dimension applications and systems operating in the band 5795-5815 MHz and in the adjacent bands Active
2019-01-25 ECC Report 288 Conditions for the coexistence between Fixed Service and other envisaged outdoor uses/applications in the 57-66 GHz range Active
2019-01-25 ECC Report 289 Wireless Power Transmission (WPT) systems for electrical vehicles (EV) operating within 79-90 kHz band Active
2018-12-20 ECC Report 274 Regulatory Analysis of Over-The-Air Provisioning of SIM profiles including its impact on Number Portability Active
2018-10-26 ECC Report 287 Guidance on defragmentation of the frequency band 3400-3800 MHz Active
2018-09-28 ECC Report 285 Best practices for Video Programme Making and Special Event (PMSE) in the 2700-2900 MHz band Active
2018-09-28 ECC Report 286 Body effect of hand-held and body-worn audio PMSE equipment Active
2018-09-14 ECC Report 283 Compatibility and sharing studies related to the introduction of broadband and narrowband systems in the bands 410-430 MHz and 450-470 MHz Active
2018-09-14 ECC Report 282 Point-to-Point Radio Links in the Frequency Ranges 92-114.25 GHz and 130-174.8 GHz Active
2018-09-14 ECC Report 284 Feasibility studies of Person detection and collision avoidance applications in the 442.2-457.1 kHz range
2018-07-06 ECC Report 281 Analysis of the suitability of the regulatory technical conditions for 5G MFCN operation in the 3400-3800 MHz band Active
2018-05-30 ECC Report 273 E.164 Numbering and Over-The-Top (OTT) Communications Services Active
2018-05-30 ECC Report 275 The role of E.164 numbers in international fraud and misuse of electronic communications services Active
2018-05-18 ECC Report 280 Satellite Solutions for 5G Active
2018-05-18 ECC Report 279 The Use of Earth Stations In-Motion (ESIM) operating to NGSO Satellite Systems in the 10.7-12.75 GHz and 14-14.5 GHz Band Active
2018-04-27 ECC Report 276 Thresholds for the coordination of CDMA and LTE broadband systems in the 400 MHz band Active
2018-04-27 ECC Report 278 Specific UWB applications in the bands 3.4-4.8 GHz and 6.0-8.5 GHz: Location tracking and sensor applications (LTA) for vehicular access systems Active
2018-04-27 ECC Report 277 Use of SRD applications in cars in the band 5725-5875 MHz Active
2018-02-09 ECC Report 268 Technical and Regulatory Aspects and the Needs for Spectrum Regulation for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Active
2018-02-09 ECC Report 180 Guidance on the interpretation of the requirements of ECC/DEC/(01)03 on EFIS

approved September 2012 and latest amended 9 February 2018
2018-01-26 ECC Report 272 Earth Stations operating in the frequency bands 4-8 GHz, 12-18 GHz and 18-40 GHz in the vicinity of aircraft Active
2018-01-26 ECC Report 270 Sharing studies between Telecoil Replacement Systems (TRS) and Mobile Satellite Service (MSS) in the frequency range 1656.5-1660.5 MHz Active
2017-11-21 ECC Report 192 The Current Status of DFS (Dynamic Frequency Selection) In the 5 GHz frequency range

approved 06 February 2014, Annex 2 amended 13 February 2015 and updated 21 November 2017
2017-11-17 ECC Report 269 Least restrictive technical conditions for Mobile/Fixed Communications Networks in 1427-1518 MHz Active
2017-09-29 ECC Report 267 Coexistence of Wideband Ultra-Low Power Wireless Medical Capsule Endoscopy Application operating in the frequency band 430-440 MHz Active
2017-06-30 ECC Report 266 The suitability of the current ECC regulatory framework for the usage of Wideband and Narrowband M2M in the frequency bands 700 MHz, 800 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2.1 GHz and 2.6 GHz Active
2017-05-31 ECC Report 264 Feasibility Report: An ECO-hosted directory of E.164 numbers to facilitate contact between PSAPs in different European countries Active
2017-05-31 ECC Report 265 Migration from PSTN/ISDN to IP-based networks and regulatory aspects Active
2017-03-03 ECC Report 263 Adjacent band compatibility studies between IMT operating in band 1492-1518 MHz and the MSS operating in 1518-1525 MHz Active
2017-01-27 ECC Report 257 Compatibility studies between low power transmitters for animal tracking and other existing radiocommunication applications in the frequency band 401-403 MHz Active
2017-01-27 ECC Report 258 Guidelines on how to plan LoS MIMO for Point-to-Point Fixed Service Links Active
2017-01-27 ECC Report 259 Sharing and compatibility studies between MBR in the 5850-5900 MHz frequency band and other systems Active
2017-01-27 ECC Report 260 Description of methodologies to estimate the technical impact of Wind Turbines on Fixed Radio Links Active
2017-01-27 ECC Report 262 Studies related to surveillance radar equipment operating in the 76 to 77 GHz range for fixed transport infrastructure Active
2017-01-27 ECC Report 246 Wideband and Higher DC Short Range Devices in 870-875.8 MHz and 915.2-920.8 MHz (companion to ECC Report 200).

2017-01-27 ECC Report 261 Short Range Devices in the frequency range 862-870 MHz
2016-11-23 ECC Report 255 The use of Assisted-Global Navigation Satellite System (A-GNSS) capabilities to improve caller location information for emergency calls originating on mobile devices Active
2016-11-18 ECC Report 254 Operational guidelines for spectrum sharing to support the implementation of the current ECC framework in the 3600-3800 MHz range Active
2016-10-17 ECC Report 256 LTE coverage measurements Active
2016-09-30 ECC Report 253 Compatibility studies for audio PMSE at 1492-1518 MHz and 1518-1525 MHz Active
2016-05-02 ECC Report 250 Compatibility studies between TTT/DSRC in the band 5805-5815 MHz and other systems Active
2016-04-29 ECC Report 251 The impact of UWB applications on board aircraft in the band 6-8.5 GHz on FS links used around airports and on EESS earth stations Active
2016-04-29 ECC Report 252 Seamcat Handbook Edition 2 Active
2016-04-28 ECC Report 248 Evolution in CLI usage – decoupling of rights of use of numbers from service provision Active
2016-03-04 ECC Report 242 Compatibility and sharing studies for M2M applications in the 733-736 MHz / 788-791 MHz band Active
2016-02-05 ECC Report 241 Enhanced access to spectrum for FSS uncoordinated earth stations in the 17.7-19.7 GHz band Active
2016-01-29 ECC Report 243 Wireless video links in the frequency bands 2700-2900 MHz and 2900-3400 MHz Active
2016-01-29 ECC Report 244 Compatibility studies related to RLANs in 5725-5925 MHz Active
2016-01-29 ECC Report 245 Compatibility studies between a PMSE and other systems / services in the band 1350-1400 MHz

2015-10-29 ECC Report 238 3rd Party Access to Number Portability Data (NP Data) Active
2015-10-02 ECC Report 218 Harmonised conditions and spectrum bands for the implementation of future European Broadband Public Protection and Disaster Relief (BB-PPDR) systems Active
2015-09-30 ECC Report 239 Compatibility and sharing studies for BB PPDR systems operating in the 700 MHz range Active
2015-09-30 ECC Report 240 Compatibility studies regarding Broadband PPDR and other radio applications in 410-430 and 450-470 MHz and adjacent bands Active
2015-07-07 ECC Report 237 Compatibility study between wideband Mobile Communication services on board Vessels (MCV) and land-based MFCN networks Active
2015-05-27 ECC Report 236 Guidance for national implementation of a regulatory framework for TV WSD using geo-location databases Active
2015-05-22 ECC Report 229 Guidance for improving coexistence between GSM-R and MFCN in the 900 MHz band

2015-05-22 ECC Report 230 Harmonisation Possibilities for Assistive Listening Devices in the Band 174-216 MHz Active
2015-05-08 ECC Report 232 Compatibility between Fixed Satellite Service uncoordinated receive Earth Stations and the Fixed Service in the band 17.7-19.7 GHz Active
2015-05-08 ECC Report 233 Adjacent band compatibility studies for aeronautical CGC systems operating in the bands 1980-2010 MHz and 2170-2200 MHz Active
2015-05-08 ECC Report 234 Analyses of LDC UWB mitigation techniques with respect to incumbent radiocommunication services within the band 3.1 to 3.4 GHz Active
2015-05-08 ECC Report 235 Assessment of the feasibility of the possible joint use, on a long term basis, of the adjacent bands 5925-6425 MHz and 6425-7125 MHz for P-P links Active
2015-03-06 ECC Report 231 Mobile coverage obligations Active
2015-01-30 ECC Report 226 Unwanted emissions of IRIDIUM satellites in the band 1610.6-1613.8 MHz, monitoring campaign 2013 Active
2015-01-30 ECC Report 227 Compatibility Studies for Mobile/Fixed Communication Networks (MFCN) Supplemental Downlink (SDL) operating in the 1452-1492 MHz band

2015-01-30 ECC Report 228 Compatibility studies between Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in the band 5855-5925 MHz and other systems in adjacent bands Active
2014-11-28 ECC Report 224 Long Term Vision for the UHF broadcasting band Active
2014-10-24 ECC Report 044 Guidance for radio usage at special events Active
2014-10-21 ECC Report 225 Establishing Criteria for the Accuracy and Reliability of the Caller Location Information in support of Emergency Services

2014-10-14 ECC Report 219 Characteristics of PMSE digital video links to be used in compatibility and sharing studies Active
2014-09-19 ECC Report 222 The impact of Surveillance Radar equipment operating in the 76 to 79 GHz range for helicopter application on radio systems Active
2014-09-18 ECC Report 220 Compatibility/sharing studies related to PMSE, DECT and SRD with DA2GC in the 2 GHz unpaired bands and MFCN in the adjacent 2 GHz paired band Active
2014-09-18 ECC Report 221 Adjacent band compatibility between MFCN and PMSE audio applications in the 700 MHz frequency band

2014-08-26 ECC Report 216 Practical guidance for TDD networks synchronisation Active
2014-06-06 ECC Report 214 Broadband Direct-Air-to-Ground Communications (DA2GC) Active
2014-05-13 ECC Report 215 Assessment of the technical feasibility of introducing very narrow channel spacing in some existing plans, in guard bands and center gaps of FWS channel arrangement at 6 GHz and 10 GHz Active
2014-04-09 ECC Report 212 Evolution in the Use of E 212 Mobile Network Codes Active
2014-04-09 ECC Report 213 Impact of Number Portability between Fixed and Mobile Service (Service Portability) Active
2014-02-13 ECC Report 189 Future Spectrum Demand for Short Range Devices in the UHF frequency bands Active
2014-02-12 ECC Report 205 Licensed Shared Access (LSA) Active
2014-02-11 ECC Report 204 Spectrum use and future requirements for PMSE Active
2014-02-05 ECC Report 211 Technical assessment of the possible use of asymmetrical point-to-point links Active
2014-02-05 ECC Report 206 Compatibility studies in the band 5725-5875 MHz between SRD equipment for wireless industrial applications and other systems

2014-02-04 ECC Report 208 Impact of RFID devices on radio services in the band 13.56 MHz Active
2014-02-04 ECC Report 209 Compatibility/sharing studies related to Broadband Direct-Air-to-Ground Communications (DA2GC) in the frequency bands 1900-1920 MHz / 2010-2025 MHz and services/applications in the adjacent bands

2014-02-04 ECC Report 210 Compatibility/sharing studies related to Broadband Direct-Air-to-Ground Communications (DA2GC) in the frequency bands 5855-5875 MHz, 2400-2483.5 MHz and 3400-3600 MHz

2014-01-31 ECC Report 207 Adjacent band co-existence of SRDs in the band 863-870 MHz in light of the LTE usage below 862 MHz

2013-11-12 ECC Report 203 Least Restrictive Technical Conditions suitable for Mobile/Fixed Communication Networks (MFCN), including IMT, in the frequency bands 3400-3600 MHz and 3600-3800 MHz Active
2013-09-25 ECC Report 201 Compatibility study between MBANS operating in the 2400-2483.5 MHz and 2483.5-2500 MHz and other systems in the same bands or in adjacent bands

2013-09-25 ECC Report 202 Out-of-Band emission limits for Mobile/Fixed Communication Networks (MFCN) Supplemental Downlink (SDL) operating in the 1452-1492 MHz band
2013-09-24 ECC Report 191 Adjacent band compatibility between MFCN and PMSE audio applications in the 1785-1805 MHz frequency range
2013-05-30 ECC Report 199 User requirements and spectrum needs for future European broadband PPDR systems (Wide Area Networks)

2013-05-16 ECC Report 198 Adaptive modulation and ATPC operations in fixed point-to-point systems - Guideline on coordination procedures Active
2013-05-15 ECC Report 190 Compatibility between Short-Range Devices (SRD) and EESS (passive) in the 122 to 122.25 GHz band Active
2013-05-15 ECC Report 197 Compatibility studies – MSS terminals transmitting to a satellite in the band 1980-2010 MHz and adjacent channel UMTS services Active
2013-04-17 ECC Report 194 Extra-Territorial Use of E.164 Numbers Active
2013-04-17 ECC Report 195 Minimum Set of Quality of Service Parameters and Measurement Methods for Retail Internet Access Services Active
2013-04-17 ECC Report 196 Abuse, Delay and Compensation Mechanisms
in Number Portability
2013-02-19 ECC Report 183 Regulatory Framework for Outdoor GNSS Pseudolites Active
2013-02-19 ECC Report 184 The Use of Earth Stations on Mobile Platforms Operating with GSO Satellite Networks in the Frequency Range17.3-20.2 GHz and 27.5-30.0 GHz Active
2013-02-19 ECC Report 188 Future Harmonised Use of the 1452-1492 MHz in CEPT Active
2013-02-01 ECC Report 187 Compatibility study between mobile communication services on board aircraft (MCA) and ground-based systems Active
2013-01-29 ECC Report 185 Complementary Report to ECC Report 159.
Further definition of technical and operational requirements for the operation of white space devices in the band 470-790 MHz
2013-01-29 ECC Report 186 Technical and operational requirements for the operation of white space devices under geo-location approach Active
2012-11-21 ECC Report 193 Emergency Calls in VoIP Environment:
Compilation of Recent Studies
2012-10-04 ECC Report 182 Survey about the use of the frequency band 863-870 MHz Active
2012-09-28 ECC Report 128 Compatibility studies between pseudolites and services in the frequency bands 1164-1215, 1215-1300 and 1559-1610 MHz Active
2012-09-24 ECC Report 181 Improving spectrum efficiency in SRD bands
2012-05-11 ECC Report 178 Open and Closed Dialling Plans Active
2012-05-09 ECC Report 177 Possibilities for Future Terrestrial Delivery of Audio Broadcasting Services Active
2012-04-11 ECC Report 174 Compatibility between the mobile service in the band 2500-2690 MHz and the radiodetermination service in the band 2700-2900 MHz Active
2012-04-11 ECC Report 175 Co-existence study considering UWB applications inside aircraft and existing radio services in the frequency bands from 3.1 GHz to 4.8 GHz and from 6.0 GHz to 8.5 GHz Active
2012-04-11 ECC Report 176 The impact of non-specific SRDs on radio services in the band 57–66 GHz Active
2012-04-02 ECC Report 172 Broadband Wireless Systems Usage in 2300-2400 MHz
2011-10-31 ECC Report 170 Specific UWB applications in the bands 3.4 - 4.8 GHz and 6 - 8.5 GHz Location Tracking Applications for Emergency Services (LAES), location tracking applications type 2 (LT2) and location tracking and sensor applications for automotive and transportation environments (LTA)

2011-10-31 ECC Report 171 Impact of unwanted emissions of Iridium satellites on radioastronomy operations in the band 1610.6-1613.8 MHz Active
2011-05-30 ECC Report 167 Practical implementation of registration/coordination mechanism for UWB LT2 systems Active
2011-05-30 ECC Report 168 Regulatory framework for indoor GNSS pseudolites Active
2011-05-25 ECC Report 169 Description of practices relative to trading of spectrum rights of use Active
2011-05-12 ECC Report 162 Practical mechanism to improve the compatibility between GSM-R and public mobile networks and guidance on practical coordination Active
2011-05-12 ECC Report 163 The usage of the 7125-8500 MHz band within the CEPT for the elaboration of the revision of the ECC/REC/(02)06 from version 2002 to version 2011 Active
2011-05-12 ECC Report 164 Compatibility between Wide Band Low Activity Mode (WLAM) automotive radars in the frequency range 24.25 GHz to 24.5 GHz, and other radiocommunication systems/services Active
2011-05-12 ECC Report 165 Compatibility study between MSS complementary ground component operating in the bands 1610.0-1626.5 MHz and 2483.5-2500.0 MHz and other systems in the same bands or in adjacent bands Active
2011-05-12 ECC Report 166 Coexistence between zenith-pointing meteorological radars at 24 GHz and 35 GHz and systems in other radio services Active
2011-02-11 ECC Report 161 Additional Considerations relating to the L-band and the MA02revCO07 Active
2011-02-10 ECC Report 160 Enforcement Benchmarking in the year 2010 Active
2011-02-03 ECC Report 156 Conditions for possible co-existence between HAPS gateway links and other services/systems in the 5850-7075 MHz band Active
2011-02-03 ECC Report 157 The impact of spurious emissions of radars at 2.8, 5.6 and 9.0 GHz on other radiocommunication services/systems Active
2011-02-03 ECC Report 158 The impact of SRR 26 GHz applications using Ultra-Wide-Band (UWB) Technology on Radio Services
2011-02-03 ECC Report 159 Technical and operational requirements for the possible operation of cognitive radio systems in the ‘white spaces’ of the frequency band 470-790 MHz

“CEPT has subsequently developed ECC Report 185 and 186 as complementary studies to ECC Report 159. In particular, the geo-location approach is considered in more details in ECC Report 186, including the initial considerations contained in this report (ECC Report 159)”
2010-11-25 ECC Report 153 Numbering and Addressing in Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communications Active
2010-11-25 ECC Report 154 Evolution of Geographic Numbers Active
2010-11-25 ECC Report 155 Number Portability efficiency: Impact and analysis of certain aspects in Article 30.4 of the Universal Service Directive and general remarks on NP efficiency Active
2010-10-14 ECC Report 152 The use of the frequency bands 27.5-30.0 GHz and 17.30-20.2 GHz by satellite networks Active
2010-09-21 ECC Report 149 Analysis on compatibility of Low Power-Active Medical Implant (LP-AMI) applications within the frequency range 2360-3400 MHz, in particular for the band 2483.5-2500 MHz, with incumbent services Active
2010-09-21 ECC Report 150 Compatibility studies between RDSS and other services in the band 2483.5-2500 MHz Active
2010-09-15 ECC Report 117 Managing the transition to Digital Sound Broadcasting in the frequency bands below 80 MHz.

2010-07-06 ECC Report 146 Compatibility between GSM MCBTS and other services (TRR, RSBN/PRMG, HC-SDMA, GSM-R, DME, MIDS, DECT) operating in the 900 and 1800 MHz frequency bands

2010-06-30 ECC Report 138 Measurements on the performance of DVB-T receivers in the presence of interference from the mobile service (especially from UMTS) Active
2010-06-09 ECC Report 148 Measurements on the performance of DVB-T receivers in the presence of interference from the mobile service (especially from LTE) Active
2010-06-07 ECC Report 145 Regulatory Framework for Global Navigation satellite system (GNSS) repeaters Active
2010-06-07 ECC Report 141 Future possibilities for the digitalisation of band II (87.5-108 MHz).

Attachments include Technical supplement to ECC Report 141 (Band II - Digitization)
2010-05-19 ECC Report 140 Compatibility between RLAN on-board aircraft and radars in the frequency bands 5250-5350 MHz and 5470-5725 MHz
2010-05-19 ECC Report 147 Additional compatibility studies relating to PWMS in the 1518.1559 MHz excluding the band 1543.45-1543.95 MHz and 1544-1545 MHz Active
2010-02-23 ECC Report 142 Rearrangement activities for broadcasting services in order to free the sub-band 790 - 862 MHz Active
2010-02-22 ECC Report 143 Practical Improvements in Handling 112 Emergency Calls: Caller Location Information Active
2010-02-22 ECC Report 144 Preparing for IPv6 Active
2010-02-12 ECC Report 139 Impact of Level Probing Radars (LPR), using Ultra-Wideband Technology on Radiocommunications Services Active
2010-02-05 ECC Report 137 Introducing greater flexibility in the current regulatory structure with a view to taking forward convergence and harmonisation in the ECC Active
2009-10-19 ECC Report 136 Practical considerations regarding remote monitoring stations Active
2009-10-06 ECC Report 133 Increasing Trust in Calling Line Identification and
Originating Identification
2009-09-09 ECC Report 134 Analysis of potential impact of mobile Vehicle Radars (VR) on Radar Speed Meters (RSM) operating at 24 GHz Active
2009-09-09 ECC Report 135 Inductive limits in the frequency range 9 kHz to 148.5 kHz Active
2009-06-09 ECC Report 132 Light Licensing, Licence-Exempt and Commons Active
2009-05-13 ECC Report 113 Compatibility studies around 63 GHz between Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and other systems Active
2009-05-13 ECC Report 114 Compatibility studies between multiple GIGABIT wireless systems in frequency range 57-66 GHz and other services and systems (except its in 63-64 GHz) Active
2009-02-10 ECC Report 130 Enforcement benchmarking Active
2009-02-06 ECC Report 131 Derivation of a Block Edge Mask (BEM) for terminal stations in the 2.6 GHz frequency band (2500-2690 MHz) Active
2009-02-05 ECC Report 129 Technical and operational provisions required for the use of GNSS repeaters Active
2008-11-11 ECC Report 127 The impact of receiver standards on spectrum management Active
2008-10-21 ECC Report 126 Fixed-Mobile Convergence with survey of Numbering related issues Active
2008-10-02 ECC Report 125 Guidelines for the implementation of impact assessment in relation to spectrum matters Active
2008-09-22 ECC Report 121 Compatibility studies between Professional Wireless Microphone Systems (PWMS) and other services/systems in the bands 1452-1492 MHz, 1492-1530 MHz, 1533-1559 MHz also considering the services/systems in the adjacent bands (below 1452 MHz and above 1559 MHz). Active
2008-09-22 ECC Report 122 The compatibility between GSM use onboard vessels and land-based networks Active
2008-09-22 ECC Report 123 The impact of Object Discrimination and Characterization (ODC) applications using Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology on radio services Active
2008-09-22 ECC Report 124 Coexistence between Fixed Service operating in 71-76 / 81-86 GHz and the passive services Active
2008-07-10 ECC Report 119 Coexistence between mobile systems in the 2.6 GHz frequency band at the FDD/TDD boundary Active
2008-07-10 ECC Report 120 Technical requirements for UWB DAA (Detect and Avoid) devices to ensure the protection of radiolocation services in the bands 3.1 - 3.4 GHz and 8.5 - 9 GHz and BWA terminals in the band 3.4 - 4.2 GHz Active
2008-02-25 ECC Report 118 Monitoring methodology to assess the performance of GSM networks Active
2008-02-25 ECC Report 116 The possibilities and consequences of converting GE06 DVB-T allotments/assignments in Band III into T-DAB allotments/assignments including adjacent channel issues Active
2008-02-01 ECC Report 115 Use of the frequency band 8025-8400 MHz by EESS Active
2007-10-16 ECC Report 108 Border Code Coordination between CDMA-PAMR Systems Active
2007-09-20 ECC Report 099 TETRA Enhanced Data Services (TEDS): Impact on existing PMR/PAMR and Air Ground Air (AGA) systems in the 400 MHz band Active
2007-09-13 ECC Report 109 The aggregate impact from the proposed new systems (ITS, BBDR and BFWA) in the 5725-5925 MHz band on the other services/systems currently operating in this band Active
2007-09-13 ECC Report 110 Compatibility studies between Broad-Band Disaster Relief (BBDR) and other systems Active
2007-09-13 ECC Report 111 Compatibility studies between Ground Based Synthetic Aperture Radar (GBSAR) and existing services in the range 17.1 GHz to 17.3 GHz Active
2007-09-13 ECC Report 112 The impact of unwanted emissions of iridium satellites to radioastronomy stations in the band 1610.6-1613.8 MHz Withdrawn
2007-07-13 ECC Report 106 NGN and IMS Call Setup Active
2007-07-13 ECC Report 107 Regulating Interoperability Active
2007-06-18 ECC Report 104 Compatibility between mobile radio systems operating in the range 450-470 MHz and Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial (DVB-T) system operating in UHF TV channel 21 (470-478 MHz) Active
2007-06-18 ECC Report 105 Protection of the Services Ancillary to Programme making/Services Ancillary to Broadcasting (SAP/SAB) from the broadcasting satellite service transmissions in the band 620-790 MHz Active
2007-05-31 ECC Report 103 UMTS coverage measurements Active
2007-04-04 ECC Report 096 Compatibility between UMTS 900/1800 and systems operating in adjacent bands Active
2007-02-20 ECC Report 097 Cross Border Interference for Land Mobile Technologies Active
2007-02-20 ECC Report 098 Studying the compatibility issues of the UIC EUROLOOP system with other systems in the frequency band 9.5 to 17.5 MHz Active
2007-02-20 ECC Report 095 Sharing between MSS systems using TDMA and MSS systems using CDMA in the band 1610 – 1626.5 MHz Active
2007-02-20 ECC Report 100 Compatibility studies in the band 3400- 3800 MHz between Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) systems and other services Active
2007-02-20 ECC Report 101 Compatibility studies in the band 5855– 5925 MHz between Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and other systems Active
2007-02-06 ECC Report 102 Public protection and disaster relief spectrum requirements Active
2006-12-14 ECC Report 094 Technical requirements for UWB LDC devices to ensure the protection of FWA systems Active
2006-11-02 ECC Report 085 Guidance for 24 GHz Short Range Radar (SRR) enforcement Active
2006-10-24 ECC Report 089 A radio amateur entry level examination and licence Active
2006-10-19 ECC Report 090 Compatibility of wind profiler radars in the Radiolocation Service (RLS) with the Radionavigation Satellite Service (RNSS) in the band 1270-1295 MHz Active
2006-10-19 ECC Report 091 Compatibility of Earth Stations on board Vessels transmitting within the gaps in the CEPT Fixed Service channel plan for the lower 6 GHz band (5 925-6 425 MHz) Active
2006-10-19 ECC Report 092 Coexistence between Ultra Low Power Active Medical Implants devices (ULP-AMI) and existing radiocommunication systems and services in the frequency bands 401-402 MHz and 405-406 MHz Active
2006-10-09 ECC Report 093 Compatibility between GSM equipment on board aircraft and terrestrial networks.
Revised ECC Report with Annex G (May 2008)
2006-09-29 ECC Report 086 Consumer abuses and fraud issues relating to High Tariff services Active
2006-09-29 ECC Report 087 The future of E.164 Numbering plans and allocation arrangements Active
2006-06-22 ECC Report 083 Licence exemption and its impact on the funding of the radio administration Active
2006-06-02 ECC Report 081 The coexistence between Ultra Low Power - Animal Implant Devices (ULP-AID) operating in the frequency band 12.5-20 MHz and existing radiocommunication systems Active
2006-06-02 ECC Report 082 Compatibility study for UMTS operating within the GSM 900 and GSM 1800 frequency bands Active
2006-05-23 ECC Report 084 Analysis of responses on fees for Broadcasting and fees for Non-Commercial and Passive Service Active
2006-04-03 ECC Report 077 Implementation of ACR supplementary service Active
2006-04-03 ECC Report 078 IPv6 – The next generation Internet Protocol Active
2006-04-03 ECC Report 079 High capacity DSL systems Active
2006-03-30 ECC Report 080 Enhancing harmonisation and introducing flexibility in the spectrum regulatory framework Active
2006-03-16 ECC Report 088 Principles Related to Numbering Plans for SMS Short Codes Active
2006-02-17 ECC Report 076 Cross-Border coordination of Multipoint Fixed Wireless Systems in frequency bands from 3.4 GHz to 33.4 GHz.
2005-10-31 ECC Report 074 Access to Emergency Calls based on Voice Over IP Active
2005-10-31 ECC Report 075 A Model for Interconnection in IP-Based Networks Active
2005-10-28 ECC Report 031 Implementation of Mobile Number Portability in CEPT Countries
2005-10-13 ECC Report 067 Compatibility study for generic limits for the emission levels of inductive SRDs below 30MHz Active
2005-10-13 ECC Report 073 Compatibility of SRD in the FM radio broadcasting band Active
2005-10-12 ECC Report 070 Service based on HESC Active
2005-06-28 ECC Report 069 Formats for submission of information from administrations to the Office on conditions for operation of Earth stations aboard vessels within the separation distances identified in ITU RR Resolution 902 Active
2005-06-24 ECC Report 066 Protection of aircraft from Satellite Earth Stations operating on the ground in the vicinity of airfields

Note: This report is superseded by ECC Report 272 on 26 January 2018
Withdrawn by ECC Report 272
2005-06-24 ECC Report 068 Compatibility studies in the band 5725-5875 MHz between Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) systems and other systems Active
2005-06-02 ECC Report 065 Auctions and beauty contests in CEPT administrations Active
2005-05-10 ECC Report 060 Number assignment pratices in CEPT countries Active
2005-02-25 ECC Report 064 The protection requirements of radiocommunications systems below 10.6 GHz from generic UWB applications Active
2005-02-02 ECC Report 063 Measurement using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Active
2004-12-28 ECC Report 059 Numbering for VoIP services Active
2004-11-22 ECC Report 062 MMS-Multi Media Messaging and MMS-Interconnection Active
2004-10-26 ECC Report 058 Compatibility between TETRA release 2 taps and tactical radio relays in the 870-876 and 915-921 MHz bands Active
2004-10-26 ECC Report 056 Compatibility of automotive collision warning Short Range Radar operating at 79 GHz with radiocommunication services Active
2004-10-25 ECC Report 054 Analysis of increasing the EIRP of Terrestrial Fixed Links at around 58 GHz Active
2004-10-25 ECC Report 055 Compatibility between existing and proposed SRDs and other radiocommunication applications in the 169.4-169.8 MHz frequency band Active
2004-10-11 ECC Report 053 Cost Allocation and Accounting systems used to finance the radio administration in CEPT countries Active
2004-10-11 ECC Report 057 (O)rlans in the frequency band 2400-2483.5 MHz Active
2004-10-11 ECC Report 061 Review of the current use of electronic processes within CEPT/ECC for licensing and information purposes Active
2004-07-08 ECC Report 050 Technical issues of establishing any-to-any 2-way real-time communications over the Internet Active
2004-07-08 ECC Report 051 Voice quality over IP based networks Active
2004-07-08 ECC Report 052 Short Message Service (SMS) in fixed and mobile networks Active
2004-05-14 ECC Report 047 Protection of the Radio Astronomy Service from unwanted emissions of HEO BSS systems operating in the band 620-790 MHz Active
2004-05-14 ECC Report 048 Protection of the Broadcasting Service from Broadcasting Satellite Service transmissions in the band 620-790 MHz Withdrawn
2004-05-11 ECC Report 046 Immunity of 24 GHz automotive SRRs operating on a non interference and non-protected basis from emissions of the primary Fixed Service operating in the 23 GHz and 26 GHz frequency bands Active
2004-04-27 ECC Report 049 Technical criteria of Digital Video Broadcasting – Terrestrial (DVB-T) and Terrestrial – Digital Audio Broadcasting (T-DAB) allotment planning Active
2004-04-13 ECC Report 045 Sharing and adjacent band compatibility between UMTS/IMT-2000 in the band 2500-2690 MHz and other services Active
2004-02-23 ECC Report 039 The technical impact of introducing CDMA-PAMR on 12.5 / 25 kHz PMR/PAMR technologies in the 410-430 and 450-470 MHz bands Active
2004-02-23 ECC Report 040 Adjacent band compatibility between CDMA-PAMR mobile services and Short Range Devices below 870 MHz Active
2004-02-20 ECC Report 041 Adjacent band compatibility between GSM and CDMA-PAMR at 915 MHz Active
2004-02-20 ECC Report 042 Spectrum efficiency of CDMA-PAMR and other wideband systems for PMR/PAMR Active
2004-02-19 ECC Report 038 The technical impact of introducing CDMA-PAMR in the 870-876 / 915-921 MHz band on 12.5 kHz UIC DMO & 200 kHz GSM-R radio systems Active
2004-02-18 ECC Report 037 Compatibility of planned SRD applications with currently existing radiocommunication applications in the frequency band 863-870 MHz Active
2003-11-17 ECC Report 030 Technical briefing: Mobile access to the Internet Active
2003-11-17 ECC Report 036 Implications for Numbering, Naming and Addressing of the convergence of the Internet and the Telco Networks Active
2003-11-07 ECC Report 043 Dispute Resolution Settlement Procedures Active
2003-10-15 ECC Report 032 Mechanisms to improve co-existence of Multipoint (MP) systems Active
2003-10-01 ECC Report 035 Terrestrial Broadcasting Data Active
2003-09-18 ECC Report 033 The analysis of the coexistence of Point-to-Multipoint FWS cells
in the 3.4 - 3.8 GHz band
2003-09-16 ECC Report 034 Compatibility between Narrowband digital PMR/PAMR and tactical radio relay in the 900 MHz band Active
2003-06-12 ECC Report 025 Strategies for the European use of frequency spectrum for PMR/PAMR applications Active
2003-05-28 ECC Report 024 PLT, DSL, Cable Communications (including Cable TV), LANs and their effect on Radio Services Active
2003-05-27 ECC Report 026 The compatibility & sharing of the aeronautical mobile satellite service with existing services in the band 14.0-14.5 GHz Active
2003-05-23 ECC Report 023 Compatibility of automotive collision warning Short Range Radar operating at 24 GHz with FS, EESS and Radio Astronomy Active
2003-05-22 ECC Report 022 The technical impact of introducing TAPS on 12.5 / 25 kHz PMR/PAMR technologies in the 380-400, 410-430 and 450-470 MHz bands Active
2003-05-21 ECC Report 029 Service provider access in Mobile Networks Active
2003-03-27 ECC Report 027 Next generation network developments and their implications for the new regulatory regime Active
2003-03-27 ECC Report 028 Accounting rates and settlements evolution Active
2002-11-30 ECC Report 021 Fixed to Mobile Interconnection Active
2002-11-01 ECC Report 016 Refarming and secondary trading in a changing radiocommunications world Active
2002-10-21 ECC Report 012 Ultra Low Power Active Medical Implant systems (ULP-AMI) Active
2002-10-12 ECC Report 017 Sharing between EESS (Passive) and video SAP/SAB links in the band 10.6-10.68 GHz Active
2002-10-12 ECC Report 018 Compatibility and sharing studies between the RAS operating in the band 10.6-10.7 GHz and other services Active
2002-10-12 ECC Report 019 Guidance material for assessing the spectrum requirements on the Fixed Service to provide infrastructure to support the UMTS/IMT-2000 networks Active
2002-10-12 ECC Report 020 Methodology to determine the density of Fixed Service Active
2002-10-04 ECC Report 015 Market surveillance, radio equipment inspection, interference investigation, spectrum monitoring and the enforcement aspects of these activities Active
2002-08-09 ECC Report 013 Adjacent band compatibility between Short Range Devices and TETRA TAPS mobile services at 870 MHz Active
2002-08-09 ECC Report 014 Adjacent band compatibility of UIC Direct mode with TETRA Advanced Packet Data Service (TAPS) Active
2002-06-19 ECC Report 005 Adjacent band compatibility between GSM and TETRA Mobile Services at 915 MHz Active
2002-06-19 ECC Report 006 Technical impact on existing primary services in the band 2700 - 2900 MHz due to the proposed introduction of new systems Active
2002-05-29 ECC Report 011 Strategic plans for the future use of the frequency bands 862-870 MHz and 2400-2483.5 MHz for Short Range Devices Active
2002-05-23 ECC Report 004 Initial ideas concerning the revision of the Stockholm (1961) agreement Active
2002-04-09 ECC Report 008 Application of the new EU regulatory framework to IP telephony Active
2002-04-09 ECC Report 009 Economic and regulatory aspects of IP telephony Active
2002-04-04 ECC Report 007 Compatibility between inductive LF RFID systems and radio communications systems in the frequency range 135 - 148.5 kHz Active
2002-04-04 ECC Report 002 SAP/SAB (Incl. ENG/OB) spectrum use and future requirements Active
2002-04-04 ECC Report 003 Fixed service in Europe current use and future trends POST-2002 Active
2002-02-19 ECC Report 001 Compatibility between inductive LF and HF RFID transponder and other radio communications systems in the frequency ranges 135-148.5 kHz, 4.78-8.78 MHz and 11.56-15.56 MHz Active
2024-03-08 ERC Report 025 The European table of frequency allocations and applications in the frequency range 8.3 kHz to 3000 GHz.

The ECA Table is integrated in the EFIS database.

There is also an csv version of the ECA Table available.

Note: 1999-2015 versions are available under attachments.
2016-10-07 ERC Report 032 Amateur radio novice examination syllabus and amateur radio novice examination certificate within CEPT and non-CEPT countries Active
2004-02-01 ERC Report 061 Harmonisation of radio licensing Active
2002-06-01 ERC Report 068 Monte-Carlo Radio Simulation Methodology for the use in sharing and compatibility studies between different radio services or systems Active
2001-10-16 ERC Report 109 Compatibility of Bluetooth with other existing and proposed radiocommunication systems in the 2.45 GHz frequency band Active
2001-10-15 ERC Report 108 Licence fees for satellite services, networks and terminals in the CEPT Active
2001-07-04 ECTRA Report 0101 Licensing report:
IP Telephony
2001-06-21 CSI Report of 21 June 2001 Comprehensive Satellite Initiative Active
2001-06-21 ERC Report 110 Handling and usage of Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) to prevent false alerts Active
2001-06-21 ERC Report 111 Regulatory Procedures to be followed when changing frequency allocations Active
2001-06-01 ERC Report 105 Review of PMR fees Active
2001-05-31 ERC Report 107 Current and future use of frequencies in the LF- MF and HF bands Active
2001-04-01 ERC Report 106 Supplementary information to Annex 5 of the Chester Agreement

2001-04-01 ERC Report 102 Analysis, assessment and proposals for spectrum regulation in CEPT Active
2000-11-10 ECTRA Report Nov 00 Numbering report:
The effect of number portability on national number administration & management
2000-10-15 ERC Report 089 Compatibility and sharing analysis between DVB-T and Talkback links in bands IV and V Active
2000-10-15 ERC Report 090 Compatibility and sharing analysis between DVB-T and OB (Outside Broadcast) audio links in bands IV and V Active
2000-10-01 ERC Report 099 The analysis of the coexistence of two FWA cells in the 24.5 - 26.5 GHz and 27.5 - 29.5 GHz bands Active
2000-06-01 ERC Report 104 Adjacent band compatibility of 400 MHz TETRA and analogue FM PMR - an analysis completed using a Monte Carlo based simulation tool Active
2000-06-01 ERC Report 091 Assessment of interference from unwanted emissions of NGSO MSS satellite transmitters operating in the space-to-Earth direction in the band 1621.35 - 1626.5 MHz to GSO MSS satellite receivers operating in the Earth-to-space direction in the band 1626.5 - 1660.5 MHz
2000-06-01 ERC Report 092 Sharing between inductive SRD systems and radio communication systems operating in the frequency band 10.2 - 11 MHz Active
2000-06-01 ERC Report 093 Compatibility study concerning mobile meteor burst communication systems at 39 MHz with TV-Broadcasting reception, cordless telephones and wireless microphones
2000-06-01 ERC Report 094 Meteor scatter applications Active
2000-06-01 ERC Report 095 The use of the frequency band 3155 - 3400 kHz for general inductive applications Active
2000-06-01 ERC Report 096 Use of the frequency bands 290 - 300 kHz and 500 - 510 kHz for general inductive applications Active
2000-06-01 ERC Report 083 Interference from industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) machines Active
2000-06-01 ERC Report 084 CEPT Marking and the R&TTE Directive Active
2000-06-01 ERC Report 086 Adjacent band compatibility of UIC direct mode with UIC GSM and 900 MHz TETRA. - An analysis completed using a Monte Carlo based simulation tool Active
2000-06-01 ERC Report 087 Sharing studies between MES and existing terrestrial services in the bands already allocated to the MSS below 1 GHz. Active
2000-04-28 ERC Report 073 Investigation of the possibilities of harmonising (licensing and fees for) the PMR service within CEPT administrations Active
2000-04-04 ECTRA Report Apr 00 Numbering report:
Number portability for mobile networks
2000-03-01 ERC Report 080 One stop shopping for satellite licences and authorisations Active
2000-02-01 ERC Report 088 Compatibility and sharing analysis between DVB-T and radio microphones in bands IV and V Active
2000-02-01 ERC Report 085 Compatibility analysis of radio astronomy in the frequency range 608 - 614 MHz with DVB-T Active
2000-02-01 ERC Report 097 Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) spectrum engineering & frequency management guidelines (qualitative) Active
2000-02-01 ERC Report 100 Compatibility between certain radiocommunications systems operating in adjacent bands.
Evaluation of DECT/GSM 1800 compatibility
2000-02-01 ERC Report 103 Adjacent band compatibility of TETRA and TETRAPOL in the 380 - 400 MHz frequency range, an analysis completed using a Monte Carlo based simulation tool Active
2000-01-07 ECTRA Report 48377 Numbering report:
The Numbering requirements of Corporate Telecommunication Networks (CNs) and their impact on Public Network Numbering
2000-01-01 ERC Report 077 Field Strength measurements along a route Active
2000-01-01 ERC Report 078 Market surveillance aspects of enforcement for radio equipment Active
2000-01-01 ERC Report 079 Implementation of the Chester Agreement Active
1999-12-06 ECTRA Report 48381 Numbering report:
A long term strategic plan for the numbering and addressing of telecommunications services in Europe
1999-12-03 ECTRA Report 48465 Numbering report:
Harmonised national conventions for naming and addressing
1999-11-01 ERC Report 065 Adjacent band compatibility between UMTS and other services in the 2 GHz band Active
1999-10-26 ECTRA Report 48463 Licensing report:
Categories of Authorisations
1999-10-01 ECTRA Report 48464 Licensing report:
Fees for Licensing Telecommunications Services and Networks
1999-10-01 ECTRA Report 48466 Licensing report:
Information required for verification
1999-09-01 ERC Report 076 The role of spectrum pricing as a means of supporting spectrum management Active
1999-09-01 ERC Report 071 Sharing studies between the unwanted emissions of MSS mobile earth stations, operating in the band 1610 - 1626.5 MHz and the Radio Navigation-Satellite Service receiver operating in the band 1559 - 1610 MHz Active
1999-09-01 ERC Report 098 Compatibility of SRDs at 900 MHz with adjacent services Active
1999-08-06 ECTRA Report 48502 Numbering report:
Project management, administration and registrar functions for the ETNS field trial, phase 2
1999-05-01 ERC Report 072 Compatibility studies related to the possible extension band for HIPERLAN at 5 GHz Active
1999-05-01 ERC Report 074 Compatibility between radio frequency identification devices (RFID) and the radioastronomy service at 13 MHz Active
1999-05-01 ERC Report 075 Narrowband return path two way paging compatibility studies in the 406.1 - 410 MHz, 440 - 470 MHz and 862 - 871 MHz bands Active
1999-05-01 ERC Report 064 Frequency sharing between UMTS and existing fixed services Active
1999-05-01 ERC Report 066 ERC Report on Inspection Procedures including Training of Inspectors Active
1999-05-01 ERC Report 101 A comparison of the minimum coupling loss method, enhanced minimum coupling loss method, and the Monte-Carlo simulation Active
1999-02-01 ERC Report 067 Study of the Frequency sharing between HIPERLANs and MSS feeder links in the 5 GHz band Active
1999-02-01 ERC Report 069 Propagation model and interference range calculation for inductive systems 10 kHz - 30 MHz

1999-02-01 ERC Report 070 Compatibility between MSS (Space to earth) in the band 1559 - 1567 MHz and ARNS/RNSS including GNSS in the band 1559 - 1610 MHz Active
1999-01-01 ERC Report 081 Basic principles for spectrum sharing between the GSM and RSBN systems Active
1998-11-20 ECTRA Report 48461 Numbering report:
European Telephony Numbering Space (ETNS) Field Trial- Phase 1
1998-09-25 ECTRA Report 48380 Numbering report:
Harmonisation of short codes in Europe
1998-09-01 ERC Report 060 Global circulation of IMT-2000 terminals Active
1998-07-31 ECTRA Report 48373 Licensing report:
Licensing conditions for mobile communications
1998-06-15 ECTRA Report 48374_75_76 Numbering report:
Management, routeing and portability aspects of the European Telephony Numbering Space (ETNS)
1998-05-01 ERC Report 062 Compatibility analysis regarding possible sharing between the UIC system and radio microphones in the frequency ranges 876 - 880 MHz and 921 - 925 MHz Active
1998-05-01 ERC Report 063 Introduction of radio microphone applications in the frequency range 1785 - 1800 MHz Active
1998-05-01 ERC Report 053 Report on the introduction of economic criteria in spectrum management and the principles of fees and charging in the CEPT Active
1998-04-15 ECTRA Report 48370 Licensing report:
Regulating operators with Significant Market Power
1998-03-12 ECTRA Report 48372 Licensing report:
Harmonising essential requirements
1998-02-02 ECTRA Report 48315 Licensing report:
The Licensing of Satellite Networks and Services

1998-01-23 ECTRA Report 48371 Licensing report:
Consumer protection
1998-01-01 ERC Report 056 DSI Phase II (900 MHz issues) GSM-UIC Active
1998-01-01 ERC Report 057 DSI Phase II (900 MHz issues) analogue public networks Active
1998-01-01 ERC Report 058 DSI Phase II (900 MHz issues) services ancillary to program making Active
1997-12-05 ERC Report 051 Principles for sharing between military and civil radio services Active
1997-12-05 ERC Report 052 Methodology for the assessment of PMR systems in terms of spectrum efficiency, operation and implementation Active
1997-12-01 ERC Report 059 Report on co-frequency co-coverage sharing issue between two CDMA systems Active
1997-11-07 ECTRA Report 48263 Numbering report:
Numbering related to Personal Communications Services (PCS) in Europe
1997-10-23 ECTRA Report 48379 Numbering report:
Harmonised national numbering conventions
1997-10-15 ECTRA Report 48378 Numbering report:
Review of national numbering schemes on their openness to competition
1997-09-01 ERC Report 049 ERC Report on sharing between mobile earth stations and radioastronomy observatories Active
1997-09-01 ERC Report 050 ERC Report on interference calculations from MSS satellites into radio astronomy observations Active
1997-07-24 ECTRA Report 48341 Numbering report:
Carrier selection
1997-05-01 ERC Report 047 Compatibility study between the fixed service and motion sensors at 10.5 GHz Active
1997-04-01 ERC Report 043 Application Form for VSAT/SNG Satellite Earth Station Radio Licences Active
1997-04-01 ERC Report 054 Interference from unwanted emissions of mobile earth stations in S-PCN systems operating in the band 1610 - 1626.5 MHz into GSO MSS sattellites operating above 1626.5 MHz Active
1997-01-01 ERC Report 055 Unwanted emission interference from mobile earth stations into fixed service receivers in the 2 GHz band Active
1997-01-01 ERC Report 044 Sharing between inductive systems and radiocommunication systems in the band 9 - 135 kHz Active
1997-01-01 ERC Report 045 Sharing between the Fixed and Earth Exploration Satellite (passive) Services in the band 50.2 - 66 GHz Active
1997-01-01 ERC Report 046 Further sharing study between the fixed service and Earth exploration-satellite service in the band 55.22 - 55.78 GHz Active
1996-10-03 ECTRA Report 48267 Numbering report:
Numbering related to the topic of user-friendliness
1996-10-01 ERC Report 039 Possibility of sharing between fixed links and SNG in the 14.25 - 14.5 GHz band Active
1996-10-01 ERC Report 040 Fixed service system parameters for frequency sharing Active
1996-10-01 ERC Report 041 Technical and operational characteristics of weather radiosondes in Europe Active
1996-10-01 ERC Report 042 Handbook on radio equipment and systems radio microphones and simple wide band audio links Active
1996-07-31 ECTRA Report 48266 Licensing report:
Fixed telecommunications services other than voice telephony, telex and bearer data service
1996-07-15 ECTRA Report 48264 Numbering report:
Non-discriminatory access to numbering resources
1996-04-30 ECTRA Report 48265 Licensing report:
Fixed packet- or circuit-switched data services offered to the public
1996-04-17 ECTRA Report 48314 Licensing report:
Proposal for a Satellite Personal Communication Services licensing scheme (S-PCS)
1996-02-01 ERC Report 035 Accounting authorities Active
1995-10-01 ERC Report 037 Sharing the band 11.7 GHz - 12.5 GHz between ENG/OB and direct-to-home TV broadcasting satellites Active
1995-05-01 ERC Report 038 Handbook on radio equipment and systems video links for ENG/OB use Active
1995-05-01 ERC Report 036 Sharing between the fixed service and the radio astronomy service in the frequency range 3.4 GHz - to 105 GHz Active
1995-05-01 ERC Report 034 Application guide and explanatory notes to support an application for the use of radio equipment at short term events
1995-04-01 ERC Report 048 Comparison of the subdivision and interleaved methods concerning the arrangement of channel patterns within a frequency range Active
1994-12-01 ERC Report 033 The use of radio frequencies above 20 GHz by fixed services and ENG/OB Active
1994-06-01 ERC Report 026 Compatibility study between Mobile Satellite Service in the 1610-1626.5 MHz band and Radio Astronomy service in the 1610.6-1613.8 MHz band Active
1994-06-01 ERC Report 027 Compatibility study between Mobile Satellite Service in the 1610-1626.5 MHz and GLONASS Active
1994-06-01 ERC Report 028 Compatibility study between MSS in the 1610-1626.5 MHz band and Swedish radars Active
1994-06-01 ERC Report 029 Compatibility study between mobile satellite service in the 1610-1626.5 MHz band and fixed service operating under RR730 Active
1994-06-01 ERC Report 030 Frequency sharing implications of feeder-links for non-GSO/MSS networks in FSS bands Active
1994-06-01 ERC Report 031 Compatibility between DECT and DCS 1800 Active
1994-03-01 ERC Report 024 Examination syllabi for 1st class and 2nd class radio-electronics certificates for the GMDSS system Active
1993-10-01 ERC Report 019 Sharing between Earth Exploration satellite services (passive) and Fixed Services in the band 54.25 - 57.2 GHz Active
1993-10-01 ERC Report 020 Compatibility between TFTS (1670-1675 MHz/1800-1805 MHz) and services in the same adjacent bands Active
1993-10-01 ERC Report 021 Compatibility between ERMES and PMR Systems Active
1993-10-01 ERC Report 022 ERMES / TV E-5 Compatibility Active
1993-10-01 ERC Report 023 DSRR/GSM Compatibility further study to aid their co-existence in adjacent bands Active
1992-10-01 ERC Report 012 Application guides and explanatory notes to support the ERC Decision regime of mutual recognition of conformity assessment procedures including marking of radio equipment and radio terminal equipment to European Telecommunication Standards Active
1992-10-01 ERC Report 014 Co-existence of radio local area networks with the microwave landing system Active
1992-10-01 ERC Report 015 Compatibility study between radar and RLANs operating at frequencies around 5.5 GHz Active
1992-10-01 ERC Report 016 Analysis of sharing between terrestrial fixed service and space research/EES (S - E) at 38 GHz Active
1992-05-01 ERC Report 011 Sharing between Terrestrial Flight Telephone System (TFTS) and radio astronomy in the 1.6 GHz band Active
1991-12-01 ERC Report 005 Harmonisation of frequency bands to be designated for Low Power Devices (LPD) Active
1991-12-01 ERC Report 006 Harmonisation of frequencies for police and security services in Europe Active
1991-12-01 ERC Report 007 Compatibility between certain mobile radiocommunications systems operating in adjacent bands Active
1991-12-01 ERC Report 008 General methodology for assessing compatibility between Radio Local Area Networks (RLANs) and the fixed Service Active
1991-12-01 ERC Report 009 Impact from ISM emissions on mobile radio services operating in the 900 MHz band Active
1991-12-01 ERC Report 010 Compatibility between DECT and radio relay systems in the 2 GHz band Active
1991-06-01 ERC Report 004 Designation of a European harmonised frequency band for Mobile Digital Trunked Radio Systems (MDTRS) Active
1991-02-01 ERC Report 001 Harmonisation of frequency bands to be designated for Radio Local Area Networks (RLANs) Active
1991-02-01 ERC Report 002 Frequencies for wind profiler radars Active
1991-02-01 ERC Report 003 Harmonisation of frequency bands to be designated for road transport information systems Active