Published ↑ ↓ | Title ↑ ↓ | Description | Status | Download |
2025-03-07 | ECC/DEC/(06)01 | ECC/DEC/(06)01 of 24 March 2006 on the harmonised utilisation of the bands1920-1980 MHz and 2110-2170 MHz for mobile/fixed communications networks (MFCN) including terrestrial IMT
latest amended on 7 March 2025 (ECC#66) |
Active |
2025-03-07 | ECC/DEC/(08)01 | ECC/DEC/(08)01 of 14 March 2008 on the harmonised use of Safety-Related Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in the 5875-5935 MHz frequency band
latest amended on 7 March 2025 (ECC#66) |
Active |
2025-03-07 | ERC/DEC/(99)06 | ERC/DEC/(99)06 of 10 March 1999 on the harmonised introduction of satellite personal communication systems operating in the bands below 1 GHz (S-PCS<1GHz)
latest update annex 1 on 7 March 2024 (ECC#66) |
Active | |
2025-03-07 | ECC/DEC/(22)07 | ECC/DEC/(22)07 of 18 November 2022 on harmonised technical conditions for the usage of aerial UE for communications based on LTE and 5G NR in the bands 703-733 MHz, 832-862 MHz, 880-915 MHz, 1710-1785 MHz, 1920-1980 MHz, 2500-2570 MHz and 2570-2620 MHz harmonised for MFCN
corrected by ECC#66 |
Active | |
2024-11-08 | ECC/DEC/(18)05 | ECC/DEC/(18)05 of 6 July 2018 on the harmonised use, exemption from individual licensing and free circulation and use of Earth Stations In-Motion (ESIM) operating with NGSO FSS satellite systems in the frequency bands 10.7-12.75 GHz and 14.0-14.5 GHz
latest updated on 8 November 2024 (ECC#65) |
Active | |
2024-11-08 | ECC/DEC/(20)01 | ECC/DEC/(20)01 of 20 November 2020 on the harmonised use of the frequency band 5945-6425 MHz for Wireless Access Systems including Radio Local Area Networks (WAS/RLAN)
amended 8 November 2024 (ECC#65) |
Active | |
2024-11-08 | ECC/DEC/(23)01 | ECC/DEC/(23)01 of 7 July 2023 on the use of the band 40.5-42.5 GHz by earth stations in the fixed-satellite service (space-to-Earth) and broadcasting-satellite service and on the use of the band 42.5-43.5 GHz by earth stations in the fixed-satellite service (Earth-to-space)
latest updated on 8 November 2024 (ECC#65) |
Active | |
2024-11-08 | ECC/DEC/(24)01 | ECC/DEC/(24)01 of 8 November 2024 on harmonised technical conditions for the shared use of the 3800-4200 MHz frequency band by low/medium power terrestrial wireless broadband systems (WBB LMP) providing local-area network connectivity
(ECC#65) |
Active | |
2024-11-08 | ECC/DEC/(17)04 | ECC/DEC/(17)04 of 30 June 2017 on the harmonised use and exemption from individual licensing of fixed earth stations operating with NGSO FSS satellite systems in the frequency bands 10.70-12.75 GHz and 14.00-14.50 GHz
latest updated on 8 November 2024 (ECC#65) |
Active | |
2024-11-08 | ECC/DEC/(18)04 | ECC/DEC/(18)04 of 6 July 2018 on the harmonised use, exemption from individual licensing and free circulation and use of land based Earth Stations In-Motion (ESIM) operating with GSO FSS satellite systems in the frequency bands 10.7-12.75 GHz and 14.0-14.5 GHz
latest updated on 8 November 2024 (ECC#65) |
Active | |
2024-11-08 | ECC/DEC/(11)02 | ECC/DEC/(11)02 of 11 March 2011 on industrial Level Probing Radars (LPR) operating in frequency bands 6-8.5 GHz, 24.05-26.5 GHz, 57-64 GHz and 75-85 GHz
latest updated on 8 November (ECC#65) |
Active |
2024-11-08 | ECC/DEC/(05)11 | ECC/DEC/(05)11 of 24 June 2005 on the free circulation and use of Aircraft Earth Stations (AES) in the frequency bands 14-14.5 GHz (Earth-to-space), 10.7-11.7 GHz (space-to-Earth) and 12.5-12.75 GHz (space-to-Earth)
latest updated on 8 November 2024 (ECC#65) |
Active | |
2024-06-28 | ECC/DEC/(19)03 | ECC/DEC/(19)03 of 8 March 2019 on harmonised usage of the channels of the Radio Regulations Appendix 18 (Table of transmitting frequencies in the VHF maritime mobile band)
amended 28 June 2024 (ECC#64) |
Active | |
2024-06-28 | ECC/DEC/(20)02 | ECC/DEC/(20)02 of 20 November 2020 on harmonised use of the paired frequency bands 874.4-880.0 MHz and 919.4-925.0 MHz and of the unpaired frequency band 1900-1910 MHz for Railway Mobile Radio (RMR)
amended 28 June 2024 (ECC#64) |
Active |
2024-03-08 | ECC/DEC/(22)03 | ECC/DEC/(22)03 of 18 November 2022 on technical characteristics, exemption from individual licensing and free circulation and use of specific radiodetermination applications in the frequency range 116-260 GHz
amended 8 March 2024 (ECC#63) |
Active | |
2024-03-08 | ERC/DEC/(98)22 | ERC/DEC/(98)22 of 23 November 1998 on exemption from individual licensing and free circulation and use of DECT equipment
latest amended 8 March 2024 (ECC#63) |
Active | |
2024-03-08 | ERC/DEC/(99)01 | ERC/DEC/(99)01 of 10 March 1999 on the harmonised examination syllabi for the General Operator's Certificate (GOC) and the Restricted Operator's Certificate (ROC)
latest amended on 8 March 2024 (ECC#63) |
Active | |
2024-03-08 | ECC/DEC/(07)03 | ECC/DEC/(07)03 of 6 July 2007 on Reserving the National Numbering Range beginning with '116' for Harmonised Numbers for Harmonised Services of Social Value
latest amended on 8 March 2024 (ECC#63) |
Active | |
2024-03-08 | ECC/DEC/(05)02 | ECC/DEC/(05)02 of 18 March 2005 on a harmonised frequency plan for the use of the band 169.4-169.8125 MHz
latest amended on 8 March 2024 (ECC#63) |
Active | |
2024-03-08 | ECC/DEC/(09)06 | ECC/DEC/(09)06 of 30 October 2009 on Reserving the National Short Message Service (SMS) Numbering Range Beginning with '116' for Harmonised SMS Numbers for Harmonised Services of Social Value
latest amended on 8 March 2024 (ECC#63) |
Active | |
2023-03-10 | ECC/DEC/(14)02 | ECC/DEC/(14)02 of 27 June 2014 on Harmonised technical and regulatory conditions for the use of the band 2300-2400 MHz for Mobile/Fixed Communications Networks (MFCN)
amended 10 March 2023 (ECC#61) |
Active |
2022-11-18 | ECC/DEC/(06)07 | ECC/DEC/(06)07 of 1 December 2006 on the harmonised use of airborne GSM, LTE and 5G NR non-AAS systems in the frequency bands 1710-1785 MHz and 1805-1880 MHz, and airborne UMTS systems in the frequency bands 1920-1980 MHz and 2110-2170 MHz
latest corrected 18 November 2022 (ECC#60) |
Active | |
2022-11-18 | ECC/DEC/(05)08 | ECC/DEC/(05)08 of 24 June 2005 on the availability of frequency bands for high density applications in the Fixed-Satellite Service (space-to-Earth and Earth-to-space)
latest amended on 18 November 2022 (ECC#60) |
Active | |
2022-11-18 | ECC/DEC/(06)03 | ECC/DEC/(06)03 of 24 March 2006 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of high e.i.r.p. satellite terminals (HEST) operating with geostationary satellites and in the frequency bands 10.70-12.75 GHz or 19.70-20.20 GHz space-to-Earth and 14.00-14.25 GHz or 29.50-30.00 GHz Earth-to-space
latest amended on 18 November 2022 (ECC#60) |
Active | |
2022-11-18 | ECC/DEC/(06)04 | ECC/DEC/(06)04 of 24 March 2006 on the harmonised use, exemption from individual licensing and free circulation of devices using Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology in bands below 10.6 GHz
latest amended on 18 November 2022 (ECC#60) |
Active | |
2022-11-18 | ECC/DEC/(01)03 | ECC/DEC/(01)03 of 15 November 2001 on ECO Frequency Information System (EFIS)
latest amendment of annex 2 is on 18 November 2022 (ECC#60) |
Active | |
2022-11-18 | ECC/DEC/(22)04 | ECC/DEC/(22)04 of 18 November 2022 on the withdrawal of ECC Decision (15)03 on the harmonised use of broadband Direct Air-to-Ground Communications (DA2GC) systems in the frequency band 5855-5875 MHz
(ECC#60) |
Active | |
2022-11-18 | ECC/DEC/(22)05 | ECC/DEC/(22)05 of 18 November 2022 on the withdrawal of ERC Decision (99)15 on the designation of the harmonised frequency band 40.5 to 43.5 GHz for the introduction of Multimedia Wireless Systems (MWS) and Point-to-Point (PtP) Fixed Wireless Systems
(ECC#60) |
Active | |
2022-11-18 | ECC/DEC/(22)06 | ECC/DEC/(22)06 of 18 November 2022 on harmonised technical conditions for Mobile/Fixed Communications Networks (MFCN) in the band 40.5-43.5 GHz
(ECC#60) |
Active | |
2022-07-01 | ECC/DEC/(22)02 | ECC/DEC/(22)02 of 1 July 2022 on regulation to operate Autonomous Maritime Radio Devices (AMRD) in CEPT
(ECC#59) |
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2022-07-01 | ECC/DEC/(21)02 | ECC/DEC/(21)02 of 5 November 2021 on the harmonised frequency band 76-77 GHz, technical characteristics, exemption from individual licensing and free circulation and use of High Definition Ground Based Synthetic Aperture Radar (HD-GBSAR)
updated 1 July 2022 (ECC#59) |
Active | |
2022-07-01 | ECC/DEC/(07)01 | ECC/DEC/(07)01 of 30 March 2007 on the harmonised use, exemption from individual licensing and free circulation of Material Sensing Devices using Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology
latest updated on 1 July 2022 (ECC#59) |
Active |
2022-07-01 | ECC/DEC/(04)08 | ECC/DEC/(04)08 of 9 July 2004 on the harmonised use of the 5 GHz frequency bands for Wireless Access Systems including Radio Local Area Networks (WAS/RLAN)
latest amended on 1 July 2022 (ECC#59) |
Active | |
2022-06-10 | ERC/DEC/(01)11 | ERC/DEC/(01)11 of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Short Range Devices used for Flying Model control operating in the frequency band 34.995-35.225 MHz
latest updated on 10 June 2022 (WG FM#105) |
Active |
2022-06-10 | ERC/DEC/(01)12 | ERC/DEC/(01)12 of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Short Range Devices used for Model control operating in the frequencies 40.665, 40.675, 40.685 and 40.695 MHz
latest updated on 10 June 2022 (WG FM#105) |
Active |
2022-06-10 | ERC/DEC/(01)17 | ERC/DEC/(01)17 of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Ultra Low Power Active Medical Implant (ULP-AMI) communication systems operating in the frequency band 401 - 406 MHz on a secondary basis
latest updated on 10 June 2022 (WG FM#105) |
Active | |
2022-03-04 | ERC/DEC/(00)02 | ERC/DEC/(00)02 of 27 March 2000 on use of the band 37.5-39.5 GHz by the fixed service and by earth stations of the fixed-satellite service (space-to-Earth) and use of the band 39.5-40.5 GHz by earth stations of the fixed-satellite service and the mobile-satellite service (space-to-Earth)
amended 4 March 2022 (ECC#58) |
Active | |
2022-03-04 | ECC/DEC/(22)01 | ECC/DEC/(22)01 of 4 March 2022 on free circulation and use of Mobile/Fixed Communication Networks (MFCN) terminals operating under the control of terrestrial networks
(ECC#58) |
Active | |
2022-03-04 | ECC/DEC/(21)01 | ECC/DEC/(21)01 of 5 November 2021 on the use of the bands 47.2-50.2 GHz and 50.4-52.4 GHz by the fixed-satellite service (Earth-to-space)
updated 4 March 2022 (ECC#58) |
Active | |
2022-03-04 | ECC/DEC/(04)10 | ECC/DEC/(04)10 of 12 November 2004 on the frequency bands to be designated for the temporary introduction of Automotive Short Range Radars (SRR)
latest amended on 4 March 2022 (ECC#58) |
Active | |
2022-03-04 | ECC/DEC/(06)10 | ECC/DEC/(06)10 of 1 December 2006 on transition of terrestrial service operations from the Bands 1980-2010 MHz and 2170-2200 MHz in order to facilitate the Harmonised Introduction and Development of Systems in the mobile-satellite service including those supplemented by a Complementary Ground Component
latest amended 4 March 2022 (ECC#58) |
Active | |
2022-03-04 | ECC/DEC/(06)13 | ECC/DEC/(06)13 of 1 December 2006 on harmonised technical conditions for mobile/fixed communications networks (MFCN) including terrestrial IMT systems, other than GSM and EC-GSM IoT, in the bands 880-915/925-960 MHz and 1710-1785/1805-1880 MHz
latest amended on 4 March 2022 (ECC#58) |
Active |
2022-03-04 | ECC/DEC/(05)05 | ECC/DEC/(05)05 of 18 March 2005 on harmonised utilisation of spectrum for Mobile/Fixed Communications Networks (MFCN) operating within the band 2500-2690 MHz
latest corrected 4 March 2022 (ECC#58) |
Active | |
2022-03-04 | ECC/DEC/(12)01 | ECC/DEC/(12)01 of 1 June 2012 on exemption from individual licensing and free circulation and use of satellite mobile terminals operating under the control of networks in the range 1 to 3 GHz
latest amended on 4 March 2022 (ECC#58) |
Active | |
2022-03-04 | ECC/DEC/(08)08 | ECC/DEC/(08)08 of 31 October 2008 on the harmonised use of GSM systems in the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz bands, UMTS systems in the 2 GHz band and LTE and 5G NR non-AAS systems in the 1800 MHz and 2.6 GHz (FDD) bands on board vessels
latest updated on 4 March 2022 (ECC#58) |
Active |
2021-11-05 | ECC/DEC/(21)03 | ECC/DEC/(21)03 of 5 November 2021 on the withdrawal of ERC Decision (95)01 on the free circulation and use of certain radio equipment in CEPT member countries
(ECC#57) |
Active | |
2021-07-02 | ECC/DEC/(13)01 | ECC/DEC/(13)01 of 8 March 2013 on the use, free circulation, and exemption from individual licensing of Earth stations on mobile platforms (ESOMPs) in the frequency bands available for use by uncoordinated FSS Earth stations within the ranges 17.3-20.2 GHz and 27.5-30.0 GHz
latest amended on 2 July 2021 (ECC#56) |
Active |
2021-05-28 | ECC/DEC/(19)04 | ECC/DEC/(19)04 of 6 March 2020 on the harmonised use of spectrum, free circulation and use of earth stations on-board aircraft operating with GSO FSS networks and NGSO FSS systems in the frequency bands 12.75-13.25 GHz (Earth-to-space) and 10.7-12.75 GHz (space-to-Earth)
editorial update 28 May 2021 (WG FM#99) |
Active |
2020-11-20 | ECC/DEC/(18)06 | ECC/DEC/(18)06 of 6 July 2018 on the harmonised technical conditions for Mobile/Fixed Communications Networks (MFCN) in the band 24.25-27.5 GHz
latest amended on 20 November 2020 (ECC#54) |
Active |
2020-11-20 | ECC/DEC/(15)04 | ECC/DEC/(15)04 of 3 July 2015 on the harmonised use, free circulation and exemption from individual licensing of Land, Maritime and Aeronautical Earth Stations On Mobile Platforms (ESOMPs) operating with NGSO FSS satellite systems in the frequency ranges 17.3-20.2 GHz, 27.5-29.1 GHz and 29.5-30.0 GHz
latest amended on 20 November 2020 (ECC#54) |
Active |
2020-03-06 | ECC/DEC/(12)03 | ECC/DEC/(12)03 of 2 November 2012 on the harmonised conditions for UWB applications onboard aircraft
corrected on 6 March 2020 (ECC#52) |
Active |
2019-07-05 | ECC/DEC/(09)01 | ECC/DEC/(09)01 of 13 March 2009 on the harmonised use of the 63.72-65.88 GHz frequency band for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
latest amended on 5 July 2019 (ECC#51) |
Active |
2019-03-08 | ECC/DEC/(08)05 | ECC/DEC/(08)05 of 27 June 2008 on the harmonisation of frequency bands for the implementation of digital Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) narrow band and wide band radio applications in bands within the 380-470 MHz range
latest amended on 8 March 2019 (ECC#51) |
Active | |
2019-03-08 | ECC/DEC/(05)09 | ECC/DEC/(05)09 of 24 June 2005 on the free circulation and use of Earth Stations on board Vessels (ESV) operating in Fixed Satellite service networks in the frequency bands 5925-6425 MHz (Earth-to-space) and 3700-4200 MHz (space-to-Earth)
latest amended on 8 March 2019 (ECC#51) |
Active |
2019-03-08 | ECC/DEC/(05)10 | ECC/DEC/(05)10 of 24 June 2005 on the free circulation and use of Earth Stations on board Vessels (ESV) operating in fixed satellite service networks in the frequency bands 14-14.5 GHz (Earth-to-space), 10.7-11.7 GHz (space-to-Earth) and 12.5-12.75 GHz (space-to-Earth)
amended on 8 March 2019 (ECC#51) |
Active | |
2019-03-08 | ECC/DEC/(05)01 | ECC/DEC/(05)01 of 18 March 2005 on the use of the band 27.5-29.5 GHz by the Fixed Service and uncoordinated Earth stations of the Fixed-Satellite Service (Earth-to-space)
latest amended on 8 March 2019 (ECC#51) |
Active | |
2019-03-08 | ECC/DEC/(03)04 | ECC/DEC/(03)04 of 17 October 2003 on the Exemption from Individual Licensing of Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSAT) operating in the frequency bands 14.25-14.50 GHz Earth-to-space and 10.70-11.70 GHz space-to-Earth
amended on 8 March 2019 (ECC#51) |
Active | |
2019-03-08 | ECC/DEC/(16)02 | ECC/DEC/(16)02 of 17 June 2016 on harmonised technical conditions and frequency bands for the implementation of Broadband Public Protection and Disaster Relief (BB-PPDR) systems
amended on 8 March 2019 (ECC#51) |
Active | |
2019-03-08 | ECC/DEC/(19)01 | ECC/DEC/(19)01 of 8 March 2019 on withdrawal of ECC Decision (11)04 on exemption from individual licensing of digital terminals of narrowband and wideband PMR/PAMR/PPDR systems and free circulation and use of digital terminals of narrowband and wideband PPDR systems operating in the 80 MHz, 160 MHz, 380-470 MHz and 800/900 MHz bands
(ECC#51) |
Active | |
2019-03-08 | ECC/DEC/(19)02 | ECC/DEC/(19)02 of 8 March 2019 on Land mobile systems in the frequency ranges 68-87.5 MHz, 146-174 MHz, 406.1-410 MHz, 410-430 MHz, 440-450 MHz and 450-470 MHz
(ECC#51) |
Active | |
2018-10-26 | ECC/DEC/(06)08 | ECC/DEC/(06)08 of 1 December 2006 on the conditions for use of the radio spectrum by Ground- and Wall- Probing Radar (GPR/WPR) imaging systems
updated on 26 October 2018 (ECC#49) |
Active |
2018-10-26 | ECC/DEC/(11)06 | ECC/DEC/(11)06 of 9 December 2011 on harmonised frequency arrangements and least restrictive technical conditions (LRTC) for mobile/fixed communications networks (MFCN) operating in the band 3400-3800 MHz
latest amended 26 October 2018 (ECC#49) |
Active |
2018-07-06 | ECC/DEC/(18)01 | ECC/DEC/(18)01 of 6 July 2018 on the withdrawal of ECC Decision (15)02 on ‘The harmonised use of broadband Direct Air-to-Ground Communications (DA2GC) systems in the frequency band 1900-1920 MHz’
(ECC#48) |
Active | |
2018-07-06 | ECC/DEC/(18)02 | ECC/DEC/(18)02 of 6 July 2018 on the withdrawal of ECC Decision (07)02 on availability of frequency bands between 3400-3800 MHz for the harmonised implementation of Broadband Wireless Access systems (BWA)
(ECC#48) |
Active | |
2018-07-06 | ECC/DEC/(18)03 | ECC/DEC/(18)03 of 6 July 2018 on the withdrawal of ERC Decision (01)08 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Short Range Devices used for Movement Detection and Alert operating in the frequency band 2400 - 2483.5 MHz
(ECC#48) |
Active | |
2018-03-02 | ECC/DEC/(17)05 | ECC/DEC/(17)05 of 2 March 2018 on the harmonised prefixes and short codes in national numbering plans
(ECC#47) |
Active | |
2018-03-02 | ECC/DEC/(15)05 | ECC/DEC/(15)05 of 3 July 2015 on the harmonised frequency range 446.0-446.2 MHz, technical characteristics, exemption from individual licensing and free carriage and use of analogue and digital PMR 446 applications
amended on 2 March 2018 (ECC#47) |
Active |
2018-03-02 | ECC/DEC/(13)03 | ECC/DEC/(13)03 of 8 November 2013 on the harmonised use of the frequency band 1452-1492 MHz for Mobile/Fixed Communications Networks Supplemental Downlink (MFCN SDL)
latest amended on 2 March 2018 (ECC#47) |
Active | |
2017-11-17 | ECC/DEC/(17)06 | ECC/DEC/(17)06 of 17 November 2017 on the harmonised use of the frequency bands 1427-1452 MHz and 1492-1518 MHz for Mobile/Fixed Communications Networks Supplemental Downlink (MFCN SDL)
(ECC#46) |
Active | |
2017-06-30 | ECC/DEC/(17)03 | ECC/DEC/(17)03 of 30 June 2017 on the withdrawal of ERC/DEC/(98)15 “Exemption from Individual Licensing of Omnitracs terminals for the Euteltracs system”
(ECC#45) |
Active | |
2017-03-03 | ECC/DEC/(17)01 | ECC/DEC/(17)01 of 3 March 2017 on the withdrawal of ECC Decision (01)01 on phasing out analogue CT1 and CT1+ applications in the 900 MHz band and ECC Decision (01)02 on phasing out digital CT2 applications in the 900 MHz band
(ECC#44) |
Active | |
2017-03-03 | ECC/DEC/(17)02 | ECC/DEC/(17)02 of 3 March 2017 on the withdrawal of ECTRA Decision ECTRA/DEC/(97)02 on harmonisation of authorisation conditions and co-ordination of procedures in the field of Satellite Personal Communications Services (S-PCS) in Europe, operating within the bands 1610-1626.5 MHz, 2483.5-2500 MHz, 1980-2010 MHz and 2170-2200 MHz
(ECC#44) |
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2017-03-03 | ECC/DEC/(11)01 | ECC/DEC/(11)01 of 11 March 2011 on the protection of the Earth exploration satellite service (passive) in the 1400-1427 MHz band
amended on 3 March 2017 (ECC#44) |
Active | |
2016-11-18 | ECC/DEC/(16)01 | ECC/DEC/(16)01 of 4 March 2016 on the harmonised frequency band 76-77 GHz, technical characteristics, exemption from individual licensing and free carriage and use of obstacle detection radars for rotorcraft use
corrected on 18 November 2016 (ECC#43) |
Active |
2016-11-18 | ECC/DEC/(16)03 | ECC/DEC/(16)03 of 18 November 2016 on the withdrawal of ERC/DEC/(99)17 on the universal shipborne automatic identification system (AIS) channels in the maritime vhf band
(ECC#43) |
Active | |
2016-06-17 | ECC/DEC/(11)03 | ECC/DEC/(11)03 of 24 June 2011 on the harmonised use of frequencies for Citizens' Band (CB) radio equipment
amended on 17 June 2016 (ECC#42) |
Active |
2016-03-04 | ERC/DEC/(00)07 | ERC/DEC/(00)07 of 19 October 2000 on the shared use of the band 17.7-19.7 GHz by the fixed service and Earth stations of the fixed-satellite service (space-to-Earth)
amended on 4 March 2016 (ECC#41) |
Active |
2015-07-03 | ECC/DEC/(03)05 | ECC/DEC/(03)05 of 17 October 2003 on The publication of national tables of frequency allocations and utilisations (NTFAs)
amended on 3 July 2015 (ECC#40) |
Active | |
2015-03-06 | ECC/DEC/(04)03 | ECC/DEC/(04)03 of 19 March 2004 on the frequency band 77-81 GHz to be designated for the use of Automotive Short Range Radars
corrected 6 March 2015 (ECC#39) |
Active |
2015-03-06 | ECC/DEC/(15)01 | ECC/DEC/(15)01 of 6 March 2015 on Harmonised technical conditions for mobile/fixed communications networks (MFCN) in the band 694-790 MHz including a paired frequency arrangement (Frequency Division Duplex 2x30 MHz) and an optional unpaired frequency arrangement (Supplemental Downlink)
(ECC#39) |
Active | |
2014-06-27 | ECC/DEC/(14)01 | ECC/DEC/(14)01 of 27 June 2014 on the withdrawal of ECC Decision (02)07 on on the harmonised European use of the bands 1670 - 1675 MHz and 1800 - 1805 MHz and on the withdrawal of ERC Decision (92)01 “Decision on the frequency bands to be designated for the coordinated introduction of the Terrestrial Flight Telecommunications System”
(ECC#37) |
Active | |
2013-06-21 | ECC/DEC/(13)02 | ECC/DEC/(13)02 of 8 March 2013 on the withdrawal of ECC Decision (03)02
(ECC#34) |
Active | |
2012-11-02 | ECC/DEC/(12)04 | ECC/DEC/(12)04 of 2 November 2012 on the withdrawal of ECC Decision (02)01
(ECC#32) |
Active | |
2012-11-02 | ECC/DEC/(09)02 | ECC/DEC/(09)02 of 26 June 2009 on the harmonisation of the bands 1610-1626.5 MHz and 2483.5-2500 MHz for use by systems in the Mobile-Satellite Service
amended on 2 November 2012 (ECC#32) |
Active |
2012-06-01 | ECC/DEC/(12)02 | ECC/DEC/(12)02 of 1 June 2012 on the withdrawal of ERC Decision (98)10
(ECC#31) |
Active | |
2011-12-09 | ECC/DEC/(11)07 | ECC/DEC/(11)07 of 9 December 2011 on the withdrawal of
ECTRA/DEC(96)01 Regarding a European Telephony Numbering Space (ETNS) ECTRA/DEC(96)48 Regarding a European Telephony Numbering Space (ETNS) ECC/DEC/(04)07 on European Telephony Numbering Space (ETNS) Conventions (ECC#30) |
Active | |
2011-12-09 | ECC/DEC/(11)05 | ECC/DEC/(11)05 of 9 December 2011 on the withdrawal of ERC/DEC/(01)02, ERC/DEC/(01)03, ERC/DEC/(01)07, ERC/DEC/(01)10 and ERC/DEC/(01)16
(ECC#30) |
Active | |
2010-11-12 | ECC/DEC/(10)01 | ECC/DEC/(10)01 of 12 November 2010 on sharing conditions in the 10.6-10.68 GHz band between the fixed service, mobile service and Earth exploration satellite service (passive) | Active | |
2010-11-12 | ECC/DEC/(10)02 | ECC/DEC/(10)02 of 12 November 2010 on compatibility between the fixed satellite service in the 30-31 GHz band and the Earth exploration satellite service (passive) in the 31.3-31.5 GHz band | Active | |
2009-10-30 | ECC/DEC/(09)03 | ECC/DEC/(09)03 of 30 October 2009 on harmonised conditions for Mobile/Fixed Communications Networks (MFCN) operating in the band 790-862 MHz
Active |
2009-10-30 | ECC/DEC/(09)04 | ECC/DEC/(09)04 of 30 October 2009 on exemption from individual licensing and the free circulation and use of transmit-only mobile satellite terminals operating in the Mobile-Satellite Service allocations in the 1613.8 - 1626.5 MHz band
Active |
2009-10-30 | ECC/DEC/(09)05 | ECC/DEC/(09)05 of 30 October 2009 on the withdrawal of ERC/ECC Decisions ERC/DEC/(96)04, ECC/DEC/(04)01 and ECC/DEC/(04)02 |
Active | |
2009-06-26 | ECC/DEC/(04)09 | ECC/DEC/(04)09 of 12 November 2004 on the designation of the bands 1518-1525 MHz and 1670-1675 MHz for the Mobile-Satellite Service
amended on 26 June 2009 |
Active | |
2008-06-27 | ECC/DEC/(08)06 | ECC/DEC/(08)06 of 27 June 2008 on the withdrawal of ERC/DEC/(00)03, ERC/DEC/(00)04 and ERC/DEC/(00)05 | Active | |
2008-06-27 | ECC/DEC/(08)07 | ECC/DEC/(08)07 of 27 June 2008 on the withdrawal of ERC/DEC/(98)03, ERC/DEC/(98)17, ERC/DEC/(98)18 and ERC/DEC/(98)24
Active |
2008-03-14 | ECC/DEC/(08)02 | ECC/DEC/(08)02 of 14 March 2008 on the withdrawal of ERC/DEC(97)06, ERC/DEC/(01)01, ERC/DEC/(01)05, ERC/DEC/(01)06, ERC/DEC/(01)14 and
ERC/DEC/(01)21 |
Active | |
2008-03-14 | ECC/DEC/(08)03 | ECC/DEC/(08)03 of 14 March 2008 on the withdrawal of ERC/DEC/(98)23 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of ERMES paging receivers
Active | |
2008-03-14 | ECC/DEC/(08)04 | ECC/DEC/(08)04 of 14 March 2008 on the withdrawal of ERC/DEC/(01)04, ERC/DEC/(01)09, ERC/DEC/(01)13, ERC/DEC/(01)15 and ERC/DEC(01)18 | Active | |
2007-09-05 | ECC/DEC/(06)09 | ECC/DEC/(06)09 of 1 December 2006 on the designation of the bands 1980-2010 MHz and 2170-2200 MHz for use by systems in the Mobile-Satellite Service including those supplemented by a Complementary Ground Component (CGC)
amended 5 September 2007 |
Active | |
2006-07-12 | ECC/DEC/(06)05 | ECC/DEC/(06)05 of 7 July 2006 on the harmonised frequency bands to be designated for Air-Ground-Air operation (AGA) of the Digital Land Mobile Systems for the Emergency Services | Active | |
2005-03-18 | ECC/DEC/(05)04 | ECC/DEC/(05)04 of 18 March 2005 on the withdrawal of ERC/DEC(97)09 and ECTRA/DEC(97)01 - ERC/DEC(99)22 and ECTRA/DEC(99)05
Active |
2005-03-16 | ECC/DEC/(05)03 | ECC/DEC/(05)03 of 18 March 2005 on the withdrawal of the ERC/DEC(94)02 "Decision on the frequency band to be designated for the coordinated introduction of the European Radio Messaging System (ERMES)"
Active | |
2004-03-19 | ECC/DEC/(04)04 | ECC/DEC/(04)04 of 19 March 2004 on the withdrawal of the ERC Decision (97)10 “ERC Decision of 30 June 1997 on the mutual recognition of conformity assessment procedures including marking of radio equipment and radio terminal equipment" | Active | |
2004-03-19 | ECC/DEC/(04)05 | ECC/DEC/(04)05 of 19 March 2004 on the withdrawal of the ERC decisions (95)02, (96)07, (96)08, (96)09, (96)10, (96)11, (96)12, (96)13, (96)14, (96)15, (96)16, (96)17, (96)18, (96)19, (96)20, (98)05, (98)06, (98)07, (98)08, (98)09, (98)28, (98)30, (99)04, (99)07, (99)08, (99)09, (99)10, (99)11, (99)12, (99)13 and (99)14 on the adoption of approval regulations for various types of radio equipment
Active | |
2003-10-17 | ECC/DEC/(03)06 | ECC/DEC/(03)06 of 17 October 2003 on the withdrawal of the ERC Decision (97)01 “Decision on the publication of national tables of frequency allocations” | Active | |
2003-10-17 | ECC/DEC/(03)03 | ECC/DEC/(03)03 of 17 October 2003 on the withdrawal of the ERC Decision (97)08 “Decision on management of the Schiever Plan for the Terrestrial Flight Telecommunications System”
Active |
2002-03-15 | ECC/DEC/(02)02 | ECC/DEC/(02)02 of 15 March 2002 on the withdrawal of the ERC Decision (92)02 "Decision on the frequency bands to be designated for the co-ordinated introduction of Road Transport Telematic Systems"
Active | |
2001-03-12 | ERC/DEC/(01)19 | ERC/DEC/(01)19 of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequency bands to be designated for the Direct Mode Operation (DMO) of the Digital Land Mobile Systems for the Emergency Services | Active | |
2000-10-19 | ERC/DEC/(00)08 | ERC/DEC/(00)08 of 19 October 2000 on the use of the band 10.7 - 12.5 GHz by the fixed service and Earth stations of the broadcasting-satellite and fixed-satellite Service (space-to-Earth) | Active | |
1999-11-29 | ERC/DEC/(99)24 | ERC/DEC/(99)24 of 29 November 1999 on the withdrawal of the ERC/DEC/(96)03 "Decision on the harmonised frequency bands to be designated for the introduction of High Performance Radio Local Area Networks (HIPERLANs)"
Active | |
1999-11-29 | ERC/DEC/(99)26 | ERC/DEC/(99)26 of 29 November 1999 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of Receive Only Earth Stations (ROES) | Active | |
1999-06-01 | ERC/DEC/(99)16 | ERC/DEC/(99)16 of 1 June 1999 on the withdrawal of the ERC Decision (96)05 "Decision on the harmonised frequency band to be designated for the introduction of the Multipoint Video Distribution Systems (MVDS)"
Active | |
1999-03-10 | ERC/DEC/(99)05 | ERC/DEC/(99)05 of 10 March 1999 on Free Circulation, Use and Exemption from Individual Licensing of Mobile Earth Stations.(S-PCS < 1GHz) | Active | |
1999-03-03 | ECTRA/DEC/(99)01 | ECTRA/DEC/(99)01 of 3 March 1999 on harmonisation of authorisation conditions in the field of Satellite personal Communications Services (S-PCS) in Europe, operating within the bands 1525-1544/1545-1559 MHz, 1626.5-1645.5/1646.5-1660.5 MHz | Active | |
1999-03-03 | ECTRA/DEC/(99)02 | ECTRA/DEC/(99)02 of 3 March 1999 on harmonisation of authorisation conditions in the field of Satellite Personal Communications Services (S-PCS) in Europe, operating in the bands below 1 GHz (S-PCS<1 GHz) | Active | |
1997-03-21 | ERC/DEC/(97)02 | ERC/DEC/(97)02 of 21 March 1997 on the extended frequency bands to be used for the GSM Digital Pan-European Communications System | Active | |
1996-03-07 | ERC/DEC/(96)06 | ERC/DEC/(96)06 of 7 March 1996 on the withdrawal of the ERC Decision (93)01 "Decision on the frequency bands to be designated for the co-ordinated introduction of Digital Short-Range Radio (DSRR)"
Active | |
1995-12-01 | ERC/DEC/(95)03 | ERC/DEC/(95)03 of 1 December 1995 on the frequency bands to be designated for the introduction of DCS 1800 | Active | |
1994-10-24 | ERC/DEC/(94)01 | ERC/DEC/(94)01 of 24 October 1994 on the frequency bands to be designated for the coordinated introduction of the GSM digital pan-European communications system | Active | |
1994-10-24 | ERC/DEC/(94)03 | ERC/DEC/(94)03 of 24 October 1994 on the frequency band to be designated for the coordinated introduction of the Digital European Cordless Telecommunications system | Active |