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ECC Report 326

Published Title Description Status Download
2020-05-21 ECC Report 200 ECC Report 200: "Co-existence studies for proposed SRD and RFID applications in the frequency 870-876 MHz/915-921 MHz"

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latest amended on 4 March 2022
2024-06-07 ERC/REC 70-03 ERC/REC 70-03 of 6 October 1997 on relating to the use of Short Range Devices (SRD)

latest amended on 7 June 2024 (WG FM #107)
2022-10-07 ECC Report 249 Unwanted emissions of common radio systems: measurements and use in sharing/compatibility studies

approved 29 April 2016 and latest amended 7 October 2022
2017-01-27 ECC Report 246 Wideband and Higher DC Short Range Devices in 870-875.8 MHz and 915.2-920.8 MHz (companion to ECC Report 200).

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2019-05-29 ECC/REC/(19)02 ECC/REC/(19)02 of 29 May 2019 on guidance and methodologies when considering typical unwanted emissions in sharing/compatibility studies Active
2020-01-31 ECC Report 310 Evaluation of receiver parameters and the future role of receiver characteristics in spectrum management, including in sharing and compatibility studies Active
2024-02-02 ECC Report 313 Technical study for co-existence between RMR in the 900 MHz range and other applications in adjacent bands

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