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ECC Report 191

Adjacent band compatibility between MFCN and PMSE audio applications in the 1785-1805 MHz frequency range

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Task 2 of the Mandate to CEPT on the 900/1800 MHz bands

“Compatibility study for LTE and WiMAX operating within the bands 880-915 MHz / 925-960 MHz and 1710-1785 MHz / 1805-1880 MHz (900/1800 MHz bands)”
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2016-03-02 CEPT Report 060 Report B from CEPT to the European Commission in response to the Mandate

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2024-03-08 ERC Report 025 The European table of frequency allocations and applications in the frequency range 8.3 kHz to 3000 GHz.

The ECA Table is integrated in the EFIS database.

There is also an csv version of the ECA Table available.

Note: 1999-2015 versions are available under attachments.
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2024-06-07 ERC/REC 70-03 ERC/REC 70-03 of 6 October 1997 on relating to the use of Short Range Devices (SRD)

latest amended on 7 June 2024 (WG FM #107)
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