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ECC Report 209

Published Title Description Status Download
2010-06-25 CEPT Report 039 Report from CEPT to the European Commission in response to the Mandate to develop least restrictive technical conditions for 2 GHz bands Active
2010-11-12 CEPT Report 041 Report from CEPT to European Commission in response to Task 2 of the Mandate to CEPT on the 900/1800 MHz bands

Compatibility between LTE and WiMAX operating within the bands 880-915 MHz / 925-960 MHz and 1710-1785 MHz / 1805-1880 MHz (900/1800 MHz bands) and systems operating in adjacent bands
2015-03-06 CEPT Report 052 Report from CEPT to the European Commission in response to the Mandate

“To undertake studies on the harmonised technical conditions for the 1900-1920 MHz and 2010-2025 MHz frequency bands (“Unpaired terrestrial 2 GHz bands”) in the EU”
2006-10-09 ECC Report 093 Compatibility between GSM equipment on board aircraft and terrestrial networks.
Revised ECC Report with Annex G (May 2008)
2013-05-15 ECC Report 197 Compatibility studies – MSS terminals transmitting to a satellite in the band 1980-2010 MHz and adjacent channel UMTS services Active
2013-09-25 ECC Report 202 Out-of-Band emission limits for Mobile/Fixed Communication Networks (MFCN) Supplemental Downlink (SDL) operating in the 1452-1492 MHz band
2014-06-06 ECC Report 214 Broadband Direct-Air-to-Ground Communications (DA2GC) Active
2014-09-18 ECC Report 220 Compatibility/sharing studies related to PMSE, DECT and SRD with DA2GC in the 2 GHz unpaired bands and MFCN in the adjacent 2 GHz paired band Active
2015-05-08 ECC Report 233 Adjacent band compatibility studies for aeronautical CGC systems operating in the bands 1980-2010 MHz and 2170-2200 MHz Active
2015-07-03 ECC/DEC/(15)02 ECC/DEC/(15)02 of 3 July 2015 on the harmonised use of broadband Direct Air-to-Ground Communications (DA2GC) systems in the frequency band 1900-1920 MHz Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(18)01
1999-05-01 ERC Report 064 Frequency sharing between UMTS and existing fixed services Active
1999-11-01 ERC Report 065 Adjacent band compatibility between UMTS and other services in the 2 GHz band Active
2024-05-10 T/R 13-01 T/R 13-01 of 1 February 1994 on preferred channel arrangements for fixed service systems operating in the frequency range 1-2.3 GHz

latest corrected on 10 May 2024