Harmonised technical conditions for the shared use of the 3800-4200 MHz frequency band by low/medium power terrestrial wireless broadband systems (WBB LMP) providing local-area network connectivity (ECC#65)
No info
ECC/DEC/(23)01 of 7 July 2023 on the use of the band 40.5-42.5 GHz by earth stations in the fixed-satellite service (space-to-Earth) and broadcasting-satellite service and on the use of the band 42.5-43.5 GHz by earth stations in the fixed-satellite service (Earth-to-space) latest updated on 8 November 2024 (ECC#65)
Individual authorization required.
ECC/DEC/(22)07 of 18 November 2022 on harmonised technical conditions for the usage of aerial UE for communications based on LTE and 5G NR in the bands 703-733 MHz, 832-862 MHz, 880-915 MHz, 1710-1785 MHz, 1920-1980 MHz, 2500-2570 MHz and 2570-2620 MHz harmonised for MFCN (ECC#60)
Under study
ECC/DEC/(22)06 of 18 November 2022 on harmonised technical conditions for Mobile/Fixed Communications Networks (MFCN) in the band 40.5-43.5 GHz (ECC#60)
ECC/DEC/(22)02 of 1 July 2022 on regulation to operate Autonomous Maritime Radio Devices (AMRD) in CEPT (ECC#59)
ECC/DEC/(22)01 of 4 March 2022 on free circulation and use of Mobile/Fixed Communication Networks (MFCN) terminals operating under the control of terrestrial networks (ECC#58)
No info
ECC/DEC/(21)01 of 5 November 2021 on the use of the bands 47.2-50.2 GHz and 50.4-52.4 GHz by the fixed-satellite service (Earth-to-space) updated 4 March 2022 (ECC#58)
Individual authorization required.
ECC/DEC/(20)02 of 20 November 2020 on harmonised use of the paired frequency bands 874.4-880.0 MHz and 919.4-925.0 MHz and of the unpaired frequency band 1900-1910 MHz for Railway Mobile Radio (RMR) amended 28 June 2024 (ECC#64)
Yes Partly
Frequencyband 1900 - 1910 MHz idetified in the national frequency utilisation plan.
ECC/DEC/(19)04 of 6 March 2020 on the harmonised use of spectrum, free circulation and use of earth stations on-board aircraft operating with GSO FSS networks and NGSO FSS systems in the frequency bands 12.75-13.25 GHz (Earth-to-space) and 10.7-12.75 GHz (space-to-Earth) editorial update 28 May 2021 (WG FM#99)
Yes Partly
Terminals are planned to exempted from individual licensing but the operation is allowed only under the control of a satellite network, which needs to be authorised by the NRA.
ECC/DEC/(19)03 of 8 March 2019 on harmonised usage of the channels of the Radio Regulations Appendix 18 (Table of transmitting frequencies in the VHF maritime mobile band) amended 28 June 2024 (ECC#64)
Germany will implement the decision and will follow the indicated transition period
ECC/DEC/(19)02 of 8 March 2019 on Land mobile systems in the frequency ranges 68-87.5 MHz, 146-174 MHz, 406.1-410 MHz, 410-430 MHz, 440-450 MHz and 450-470 MHz (ECC#51)
ECC/DEC/(18)06 of 6 July 2018 on the harmonised technical conditions for Mobile/Fixed Communications Networks (MFCN) in the band 24.25-27.5 GHz latest amended on 20 November 2020 (ECC#54)
ECC/DEC/(18)05 of 6 July 2018 on the harmonised use, exemption from individual licensing and free circulation and use of Earth Stations In-Motion (ESIM) operating with NGSO FSS satellite systems in the frequency bands 10.7-12.75 GHz and 14.0-14.5 GHz latest updated on 8 November 2024 (ECC#65)
Terminals are planned to exempted from individual licensing but the operation is allowed only under the control of a satellite network, which needs to be authorised by the NRA.
ECC/DEC/(18)04 of 6 July 2018 on the harmonised use, exemption from individual licensing and free circulation and use of land based Earth Stations In-Motion (ESIM) operating with GSO FSS satellite systems in the frequency bands 10.7-12.75 GHz and 14.0-14.5 GHz latest updated on 8 November 2024 (ECC#65)
Terminals are planned to be exempted from individual licensing but the operation is allowed only under the control of a satellite network, which needs to be authorised by the NRA. Specific conditions may apply in Germany.
ECC/DEC/(17)06 of 17 November 2017 on the harmonised use of the frequency bands 1427-1452 MHz and 1492-1518 MHz for Mobile/Fixed Communications Networks Supplemental Downlink (MFCN SDL) (ECC#46)
Military use
ECC/DEC/(17)05 of 2 March 2018 on the harmonised prefixes and short codes in national numbering plans (ECC#47)
ECC/DEC/(17)04 of 30 June 2017 on the harmonised use and exemption from individual licensing of fixed earth stations operating with NGSO FSS satellite systems in the frequency bands 10.70-12.75 GHz and 14.00-14.50 GHz latest updated on 8 November 2024 (ECC#65)
Fixed terminals are exempted from individual licensing when under the control of the satellite network which needs to be individually authorized. Implemented frequency ranges: 10.95-12.75 GHz and 14-14.5 GHz
ECC/DEC/(16)02 of 17 June 2016 on harmonised technical conditions and frequency bands for the implementation of Broadband Public Protection and Disaster Relief (BB-PPDR) systems amended on 8 March 2019 (ECC#51)
Yes Partly
The following frequency bands are implemented: 698-703 MHz (uplink), 753-758 MHz (downlink), 733-736 MHz (uplink), 788-791 MHz (downlink).
ECC/DEC/(15)04 of 3 July 2015 on the harmonised use, free circulation and exemption from individual licensing of Land, Maritime and Aeronautical Earth Stations On Mobile Platforms (ESOMPs) operating with NGSO FSS satellite systems in the frequency ranges 17.3-20.2 GHz, 27.5-29.1 GHz and 29.5-30.0 GHz latest amended on 20 November 2020 (ECC#54)
ECC/DEC/(15)01 of 6 March 2015 on Harmonised technical conditions for mobile/fixed communications networks (MFCN) in the band 694-790 MHz including a paired frequency arrangement (Frequency Division Duplex 2x30 MHz) and an optional unpaired frequency arrangement (Supplemental Downlink) (ECC#39)
ECC/DEC/(14)02 of 27 June 2014 on Harmonised technical and regulatory conditions for the use of the band 2300-2400 MHz for Mobile/Fixed Communications Networks (MFCN) amended 10 March 2023 (ECC#61)
This band is not available for MFCN in Germany due to current long-term usages, for example for cordless cameras and applications for public safety authorities and organisations
ECC/DEC/(13)03 of 8 November 2013 on the harmonised use of the frequency band 1452-1492 MHz for Mobile/Fixed Communications Networks Supplemental Downlink (MFCN SDL) latest amended on 2 March 2018 (ECC#47)
ECC/DEC/(13)01 of 8 March 2013 on the use, free circulation, and exemption from individual licensing of Earth stations on mobile platforms (ESOMPs) in the frequency bands available for use by uncoordinated FSS Earth stations within the ranges 17.3-20.2 GHz and 27.5-30.0 GHz latest amended on 2 July 2021 (ECC#56)
Earth station network licence needed in Germany
ECC/DEC/(12)01 of 1 June 2012 on exemption from individual licensing and free circulation and use of satellite mobile terminals operating under the control of networks in the range 1 to 3 GHz latest amended on 4 March 2022 (ECC#58)
ECC/DEC/(11)06 of 9 December 2011 on harmonised frequency arrangements and least restrictive technical conditions (LRTC) for mobile/fixed communications networks (MFCN) operating in the band 3400-3800 MHz latest amended 26 October 2018 (ECC#49)
ECC/DEC/(11)01 of 11 March 2011 on the protection of the Earth exploration satellite service (passive) in the 1400-1427 MHz band amended on 3 March 2017 (ECC#44)
ECC/DEC/(10)02 of 12 November 2010 on compatibility between the fixed satellite service in the 30-31 GHz band and the Earth exploration satellite service (passive) in the 31.3-31.5 GHz band
ECC/DEC/(10)01 of 12 November 2010 on sharing conditions in the 10.6-10.68 GHz band between the fixed service, mobile service and Earth exploration satellite service (passive)
ECC/DEC/(09)06 of 30 October 2009 on Reserving the National Short Message Service (SMS) Numbering Range Beginning with '116' for Harmonised SMS Numbers for Harmonised Services of Social Value latest amended on 8 March 2024 (ECC#63)
ECC/DEC/(09)04 of 30 October 2009 on exemption from individual licensing and the free circulation and use of transmit-only mobile satellite terminals operating in the Mobile-Satellite Service allocations in the 1613.8 - 1626.5 MHz band
Earth station network license needed in Germany
ECC/DEC/(09)03 of 30 October 2009 on harmonised conditions for Mobile/Fixed Communications Networks (MFCN) operating in the band 790-862 MHz
ECC/DEC/(09)02 of 26 June 2009 on the harmonisation of the bands 1610-1626.5 MHz and 2483.5-2500 MHz for use by systems in the Mobile-Satellite Service amended on 2 November 2012 (ECC#32)
Earth station network license needed in Germany
ECC/DEC/(08)08 of 31 October 2008 on the harmonised use of GSM systems in the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz bands, UMTS systems in the 2 GHz band and LTE and 5G NR non-AAS systems in the 1800 MHz and 2.6 GHz (FDD) bands on board vessels latest updated on 4 March 2022 (ECC#58)
ECC/DEC/(08)05 of 27 June 2008 on the harmonisation of frequency bands for the implementation of digital Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) narrow band and wide band radio applications in bands within the 380-470 MHz range latest amended on 8 March 2019 (ECC#51)
ECC/DEC/(07)03 of 6 July 2007 on Reserving the National Numbering Range beginning with '116' for Harmonised Numbers for Harmonised Services of Social Value latest amended on 8 March 2024 (ECC#63)
ECC/DEC/(07)01 of 30 March 2007 on the harmonised use, exemption from individual licensing and free circulation of Material Sensing Devices using Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology latest updated on 1 July 2022 (ECC#59)
General Licence Vfg. No. 135/2019
ECC/DEC/(06)13 of 1 December 2006 on harmonised technical conditions for mobile/fixed communications networks (MFCN) including terrestrial IMT systems, other than GSM and EC-GSM IoT, in the bands 880-915/925-960 MHz and 1710-1785/1805-1880 MHz latest amended on 4 March 2022 (ECC#58)
Under study
ECC/DEC/(06)10 of 1 December 2006 on transition of terrestrial service operations from the Bands 1980-2010 MHz and 2170-2200 MHz in order to facilitate the Harmonised Introduction and Development of Systems in the mobile-satellite service including those supplemented by a Complementary Ground Component latest amended 4 March 2022 (ECC#58)
No standalone terrestrial systems in the 2 GHz MSS band in use or planned.
ECC/DEC/(06)09 of 1 December 2006 on the designation of the bands 1980-2010 MHz and 2170-2200 MHz for use by systems in the Mobile-Satellite Service including those supplemented by a Complementary Ground Component (CGC) amended 5 September 2007
Terminals are exempted from individual licensing but the operation is allowed only under the control of a satellite network, which needs to be authorised by the NRA
ECC/DEC/(06)07 of 1 December 2006 on the harmonised use of airborne GSM, LTE and 5G NR non-AAS systems in the frequency bands 1710-1785 MHz and 1805-1880 MHz, and airborne UMTS systems in the frequency bands 1920-1980 MHz and 2110-2170 MHz latest corrected 18 November 2022 (ECC#60)
ECC/DEC/(06)05 of 7 July 2006 on the harmonised frequency bands to be designated for Air-Ground-Air operation (AGA) of the Digital Land Mobile Systems for the Emergency Services
ECC/DEC/(06)03 of 24 March 2006 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of high e.i.r.p. satellite terminals (HEST) operating with geostationary satellites and in the frequency bands 10.70-12.75 GHz or 19.70-20.20 GHz space-to-Earth and 14.00-14.25 GHz or 29.50-30.00 GHz Earth-to-space latest amended on 18 November 2022 (ECC#60)
Terminals are exempted from individual licensing but the operation is allowed only under the control of a satellite network, which needs to be authorised by the NRA. The radio application is limited to the frequency band 14.00 - 14.25 GHz with a maximum e.i.r.p. of 50 dB(W).
ECC/DEC/(06)01 of 24 March 2006 on the harmonised utilisation of the bands1920-1980 MHz and 2110-2170 MHz for mobile/fixed communications networks (MFCN) including terrestrial IMT latest amended on 8 March 2019 (ECC#51)
ECC/DEC/(05)11 of 24 June 2005 on the free circulation and use of Aircraft Earth Stations (AES) in the frequency bands 14-14.5 GHz (Earth-to-space), 10.7-11.7 GHz (space-to-Earth) and 12.5-12.75 GHz (space-to-Earth) latest updated on 8 November 2024 (ECC#65)
Earth station network license needed in Germany
ECC/DEC/(05)10 of 24 June 2005 on the free circulation and use of Earth Stations on board Vessels (ESV) operating in fixed satellite service networks in the frequency bands 14-14.5 GHz (Earth-to-space), 10.7-11.7 GHz (space-to-Earth) and 12.5-12.75 GHz (space-to-Earth) amended on 8 March 2019 (ECC#51)
Operation in the frequency range 14.0 - 14.25 GHz only
ECC/DEC/(05)09 of 24 June 2005 on the free circulation and use of Earth Stations on board Vessels (ESV) operating in Fixed Satellite service networks in the frequency bands 5925-6425 MHz (Earth-to-space) and 3700-4200 MHz (space-to-Earth) latest amended on 8 March 2019 (ECC#51)
Geographic implementation restrictions applied as submitted by Germany on 10 August 2017, see file in the attachments.
ECC/DEC/(05)08 of 24 June 2005 on the availability of frequency bands for high density applications in the Fixed-Satellite Service (space-to-Earth and Earth-to-space) latest amended on 18 November 2022 (ECC#60)
Terminals are exempted from individual licensing but the operation is allowed only under the control of a satellite network, which needs to be authorised by the NRA
ECC/DEC/(05)05 of 18 March 2005 on harmonised utilisation of spectrum for Mobile/Fixed Communications Networks (MFCN) operating within the band 2500-2690 MHz latest corrected 4 March 2022 (ECC#58)
ECC/DEC/(05)01 of 18 March 2005 on the use of the band 27.5-29.5 GHz by the Fixed Service and uncoordinated Earth stations of the Fixed-Satellite Service (Earth-to-space) latest amended on 8 March 2019 (ECC#51)
ECC/DEC/(04)09 of 12 November 2004 on the designation of the bands 1518-1525 MHz and 1670-1675 MHz for the Mobile-Satellite Service amended on 26 June 2009
Earth station network license needed in Germany
ECC/DEC/(03)05 of 17 October 2003 on The publication of national tables of frequency allocations and utilisations (NTFAs) amended on 3 July 2015 (ECC#40)
ECC/DEC/(03)04 of 17 October 2003 on the Exemption from Individual Licensing of Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSAT) operating in the frequency bands 14.25-14.50 GHz Earth-to-space and 10.70-11.70 GHz space-to-Earth amended on 8 March 2019 (ECC#51)
ECC/DEC/(01)03 of 15 November 2001 on ECO Frequency Information System (EFIS) latest amendment of annex 2 is on 18 November 2022 (ECC#60)
ECC/REC/(24)02 of 7 June 2024 on guidance for the use of governmental UAS operating within the frequency bands 1880-1900 MHz and 1910-1920 MHz (FM#107)
No info
ECC/REC/(17)03 of 19 May 2017 on guidance for the harmonised use and coordination of Maritime Broadband Radio (MBR) systems on board ships and off-shore platforms operating within the frequency bands 5852-5872 MHz and 5880-5900 MHz (FM#88)
ECC/REC/(15)04 of 3 July 2015 on Guidance for the implementation of a sharing framework between MFCN and PMSE within 2300-2400 MHz
This band is not available for MFCN in Germany due to current long-term usages, for example for cordless cameras and applications for public safety authorities and organisations.
ECC/REC/(14)03 of 10 April 2014 on charging Principles for National and International Freephone Numbers
Yes Partly
Items 2. and 3. of ECC/REC/(14)03 have not been implemented.
ECC/REC/(11)08 of 1 November 2011 on framework for authorisation regime of indoor global navigation satellite system (GNSS) pseudolites in the band 1559-1610 MHz
ECC/REC/(11)05 of 26 May 2011 on cross-border Coordination for Mobile/Fixed Communications Networks (MFCN) in the frequency band 2500-2690 MHz latest corrected on 8 March 2024 (ECC#63)
ECC/REC/(11)04 of 26 May 2011 on cross-border Coordination for Mobile/Fixed Communications Networks (MFCN) in the frequency band 790-862 MHz latest updated on 18 November 2022 (ECC#60)
ECC/REC/(10)03 of 7 October 2010 on harmonised CEPT examination procedures for the Long Range Certificate (LRC) for non-SOLAS vessels amended 16 February 2024 (FM#106)
The German administration reserves the right to not recognize a certificate issued by another administration under substantiated circumstances.
ECC/REC/(08)04 of 6 October 2008 on the identification of frequency bands for the implementation of Broad Band Disaster Relief (BBDR) radio applications in the 5 GHz frequency range
Implemented in band 5150-5250 MHz
ECC/REC/(08)01 of 21 February 2008 on use of the Band 5855-5875 MHz for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) latest updated on 18 November 2022 (ECC#60)
ECC/REC/(05)08 of 1 February 2006 on frequency planning and cross-border coordination between GSM Land Mobile Systems (GSM 900, GSM 1800, and GSM-R) latest amended on 8 October 2021 (FM#100)
ECC/REC/(05)06 of 5 October 2005 on CEPT Novice Radio Amateur Licence editorial update of annex 2 February 2024 (FM#106)
For further details (call signs, equivalent licences, other specific requirements) consult Annex 2 of ECC/REC/(05)06.
ECTRA/DEC/(99)02 of 3 March 1999 on harmonisation of authorisation conditions in the field of Satellite Personal Communications Services (S-PCS) in Europe, operating in the bands below 1 GHz (S-PCS<1 GHz)
Terminals are exempted from individual licensing but the operation is allowed only under the control of a satellite network, which needs to be authorised by the NRA
ECTRA/DEC/(99)01 of 3 March 1999 on harmonisation of authorisation conditions in the field of Satellite personal Communications Services (S-PCS) in Europe, operating within the bands 1525-1544/1545-1559 MHz, 1626.5-1645.5/1646.5-1660.5 MHz
Terminals are exempted from individual licensing but the operation is allowed only under the control of a satellite network, which needs to be authorised by the NRA
ERC/DEC/(99)26 of 29 November 1999 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of Receive Only Earth Stations (ROES)
National measures are not necessary with regard to ROES taking into account the German Telecommunications Act of 25 July 1996 (as published in Federal Law Gazette I No 39 of 31 July 1996) and the Frequency Assignment Ordinance of 26 April 2001 (as published in Federal Law Gazette I No 20 of 8 May 2001)
ERC/DEC/(99)06 of 10 March 1999 on the harmonised introduction of satellite personal communication systems operating in the bands below 1 GHz (S-PCS<1GHz) latest editorial update of annex 1 and annex 2 on 8 March 2024 (ECC#63)
400.05 – 400.15 MHz: single-frequency 400.1 +/- 0.050 MHz for standard time and frequency signal service via satellite. Earth station network license needed in Germany
ERC/DEC/(99)05 of 10 March 1999 on Free Circulation, Use and Exemption from Individual Licensing of Mobile Earth Stations.(S-PCS < 1GHz)
Earth station network license needed in Germany
ERC/DEC/(99)01 of 10 March 1999 on the harmonised examination syllabi for the General Operator's Certificate (GOC) and the Restricted Operator's Certificate (ROC) latest amended on 8 March 2024 (ECC#63)
No info
ERC/DEC/(97)02 of 21 March 1997 on the extended frequency bands to be used for the GSM Digital Pan-European Communications System
ERC/DEC/(95)03 of 1 December 1995 on the frequency bands to be designated for the introduction of DCS 1800
The bands 1758-1780.5 MHz / 1853-1875.5 MHz (E1-Net) and 1730-1752.5 MHz / 1825-1847.5 MHz (E2-Net) are available; Administrative Orders No. 259.3/94 and No. 128/97
ERC/DEC/(94)01 of 24 October 1994 on the frequency bands to be designated for the coordinated introduction of the GSM digital pan-European communications system
Intent of this Decision is met through the implementation of Directive 87/372/EEC
ERC/DEC/(01)19 of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequency bands to be designated for the Direct Mode Operation (DMO) of the Digital Land Mobile Systems for the Emergency Services
ERC/DEC/(00)08 of 19 October 2000 on the use of the band 10.7 - 12.5 GHz by the fixed service and Earth stations of the broadcasting-satellite and fixed-satellite Service (space-to-Earth)
ERC/DEC/(00)07 of 19 October 2000 on the shared use of the band 17.7-19.7 GHz by the fixed service and Earth stations of the fixed-satellite service (space-to-Earth) amended on 4 March 2016 (ECC#41)
ERC/DEC/(00)02 of 27 March 2000 on use of the band 37.5-39.5 GHz by the fixed service and by earth stations of the fixed-satellite service (space-to-Earth) and use of the band 39.5-40.5 GHz by earth stations of the fixed-satellite service and the mobile-satellite service (space-to-Earth) amended 4 March 2022 (ECC#58)
No info
ERC/REC 31-04 of 1994 on harmonised CEPT examination procedures for the Short Range Certificate (SRC) for NON-SOLAS vessels latest amended 16 February 2024 (FM#106)
The German administration reserves the right to not recognize a certificate issued by another administration under substantiated circumstances.
ERC/REC 31-06 of 1999 on the harmonised content of certificates issued by administrations for the GOC and ROC to facilitate the mutual recognition of these certificates
T/R 61-01 of 1985 on CEPT Radio Amateur Licence latest updated on 18 October 2024 (FM#108)
For further details (call signs, equivalent licences, other specific requirements) consult Annex 2 of T/R 61-01
T/R 61-02 of 1990 on harmonised amateur radio examination certificates latest amendment on 5 February 2016 and latest update on 16 February 2024 (FM#106)
For further details (national licences corresponding to HAREC etc) consult Annex 2 of T/R 61-02