Country |
Implementation Status |
Date (of update) |
Date (of activation) |
Remarks |
Albania |
No info |
Andorra |
No info |
Austria |
Yes |
13-03-2023 |
Azerbaijan |
No info |
Belgium |
Yes |
13-03-2023 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Yes |
07-01-2020 |
Bulgaria |
Yes Partly |
23-11-2021 |
Implemented by Rules for the use of radio frequency spectrum for electronic communications networks from mobile radio service after authorization, published in the Bulgarian Official Gazette No. 98 of November 23, 2021 and Rules for free use of radio frequency spectrum, published in the Bulgarian Official Gazette No. 92 of November 5, 2021 |
Croatia |
No info |
Cyprus |
Yes |
07-07-2021 |
Czech Republic |
No info |
Denmark |
Yes |
01-07-2019 |
Estonia |
Yes |
16-08-2021 |
Implemented through reference in "The Estonian radio frequency allocation plan" |
Finland |
Yes Partly |
03-02-2021 |
Restrictions on frequency bands. Conditions of use are defined in radio licenses. |
France |
Yes |
09-04-2021 |
Individual assignations (first come first served) |
Georgia |
Yes |
30-05-2024 |
Germany |
Yes |
23-08-2019 |
Greece |
No info |
Hungary |
Yes |
09-03-2023 |
Decree No. 7/2015 (XI.13.)NMHH on the national frequency allocation and the rules of using frequency bands |
Iceland |
Yes |
30-03-2022 |
Implemented through reference in the National Table of Frequency Allocation |
Ireland |
Yes Partly |
27-10-2022 |
Decides 5 and 6 of this decision have been applied in the frequency ranges 410 - 414 MHz and 420 - 424 MHz |
Italy |
Yes |
21-10-2019 |
Implemented through the decree of Ministry of the Economic Development of 31 August 2022 and published in the Italian Official Gazette No. 214 dated 13 September 2022. |
Latvia |
Yes Partly |
21-03-2019 |
Liechtenstein |
Yes |
15-12-2022 |
Lithuania |
No info |
Luxembourg |
Committed |
07-03-2024 |
Will be implemented through an update of the Luxembourg's national table of frequency allocations. |
Malta |
No info |
Moldova |
Yes |
16-11-2023 |
Monaco |
No info |
Montenegro |
Yes |
21-03-2023 |
Implemented through reference in the National Frequency Allocation Table |
Netherlands |
Yes Partly |
31-10-2021 |
Technical parameters of the annex are not compulsory. Equipment has to comply with RED essential requirements. (2014/53/EU) |
North Macedonia |
Yes |
13-03-2023 |
Norway |
No info |
Poland |
No info |
Portugal |
No info |
Romania |
No info |
San Marino |
No info |
Serbia |
No |
21-01-2022 |
Slovak Republic |
Yes |
22-11-2023 |
Slovenia |
Yes |
26-03-2020 |
Spain |
Yes |
01-06-2022 |
Sweden |
Yes |
22-04-2021 |
Implemented by PTS license exemption regulations, license conditions and the Swedish national frequency allocation table |
Switzerland |
Yes |
01-01-2021 |
Implemented, but there are restrictions in some frequency bands due to military use.
Türkiye |
No info |
Ukraine |
No info |
United Kingdom |
Yes Partly |
24-11-2021 |
Spectrum made available in some of the bands listed for land mobile systems, are for narrow and wideband channel bandwidths. |
Vatican City |
No info |