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ERC Report 084

CEPT Marking and the R&TTE Directive

Published Title Description Status Download
1992-10-01 ERC Report 012 Application guides and explanatory notes to support the ERC Decision regime of mutual recognition of conformity assessment procedures including marking of radio equipment and radio terminal equipment to European Telecommunication Standards Active
1992-10-22 ERC/DEC/(92)02 ERC/DEC/(92)02 of 22 October 1992 on the frequency bands to be designated for the coordinated introduction of Road Transport Telematic Systems Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(02)02
2008-03-14 ERC/DEC/(95)01 ERC/DEC/(95)01 of 1 December 1995 on the free circulation and use of certain radio equipment in CEPT member countries

latest amended on 14 March 2008
Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(21)03
1996-03-07 ERC/DEC/(96)02 ERC/DEC/(96)02 of 7 March 1996 on the harmonised frequency band to be designated for CEPT PR 27 radio equipment and on the implementation of the technical standard for this equipment Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(11)03
1997-06-30 ERC/DEC/(97)10 ERC/DEC/(97)10 of 30 June 1997 on the mutual recognition of conformity assessment procedures including marking of radio equipment and radio terminal equipment Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)04
1998-11-23 ERC/DEC/(98)11 ERC/DEC/(98)11 of 23 November 1998 on the harmonised frequency band to be designated for CEPT PR 27 radio equipment and on the implementation of the technical standard for this equipment Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(11)03
1994-08-26 ERC/REC 01-06 ERC/REC 01-06 of 26 August 1994 on procedure for mutual recognition of type testing and type approval for radio equipment.

Note! This Recommendation replaced T/R 71-03
1996-08-26 ERC/REC 11-01 ERC/REC 11-01 of 26 August 1996 on type approval for satellite earth stations equipment VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminals) and SNG (Satellite News Gathering) Withdrawn
1994-08-26 ERC/REC 21-14 ERC/REC 21-14 of 26 August 1994 on satellite paging service terminal equipment in Europe Withdrawn
1998-03-27 ERC/REC 21-16 ERC/REC 21-16 of 27 March 1998 on type approval for Land Mobile Satellite Service terminals, LMSS Withdrawn
2024-06-07 ERC/REC 70-03 ERC/REC 70-03 of 6 October 1997 on relating to the use of Short Range Devices (SRD)

latest amended on 7 June 2024 (WG FM #107)
1990-10-01 T/R 20-09 T/R 20-09 on PR 27 radio equipment intended to provide short range voice radiocommunication in the 27 MHz band Withdrawn
1994-07-29 T/R 41-01 T/R 41-01 on interim type approval, free circulation and use of airborne terminal equipment of the terrestrial flight telephone systems (TFTS) Withdrawn