Published ↑ ↓ | Title ↑ ↓ | Description | Status | Download |
1992-10-22 | ERC/DEC/(92)01 | ERC/DEC/(92)01 of 22 October 1992 on the frequency bands to be designated for the coordinated introduction of the Terrestrial Flight Telecommunications System | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(02)07 | |
1992-10-22 | ERC/DEC/(92)02 | ERC/DEC/(92)02 of 22 October 1992 on the frequency bands to be designated for the coordinated introduction of Road Transport Telematic Systems | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(02)02 | |
1993-03-12 | ERC/DEC/(93)01 | ERC/DEC/(93)01 of 12 March 1993 on frequency bands to be designated for the coordinated introduction of Digital Short-Range Radio (DSRR) | Withdrawn by ERC/DEC/(96)06 | |
1994-10-24 | ERC/DEC/(94)02 | ERC/DEC/(94)02 of 24 October 1994 on the frequency band to be designated for the coordinated introduction of the European Radio Messaging System (ERMES) | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(05)03 | |
1995-12-01 | ERC/DEC/(95)02 | ERC/DEC/(95)02 of 1 December 1995 on the adoption of national type approval regulations for equipment to be used in the land mobile service using angle modulation based on the European Telecommunications Standard (ETS) 300 086 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)05 | |
1996-03-07 | ERC/DEC/(96)01 | ERC/DEC/(96)01 of 7 March 1996 on the harmonised frequency band to be designated for the introduction of the Digital Land Mobile System for the Emergency Services | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(08)05 | |
1996-03-07 | ERC/DEC/(96)02 | ERC/DEC/(96)02 of 7 March 1996 on the harmonised frequency band to be designated for CEPT PR 27 radio equipment and on the implementation of the technical standard for this equipment | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(11)03 | |
1996-03-07 | ERC/DEC/(96)03 | ERC/DEC/(96)03 of 7 March 1996 on the harmonised frequency band to be designated for the introduction of High Performance Radio Local Area Networks (HIPERLANs) | Withdrawn by ERC/DEC/(99)24 | |
1996-03-07 | ERC/DEC/(96)04 | ERC/DEC/(96)04 of 7 March 1996 on the frequency bands for the introduction of the Trans European Trunked Radio System (TETRA) | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(09)05 | |
1996-03-07 | ERC/DEC/(96)05 | ERC/DEC/(96)05 of 7 March 1996 on the harmonised frequency band to be designated for the introduction of the Multipoint Video Distribution Systems (MVDS) | Withdrawn by ERC/DEC/(99)16 | |
1996-07-10 | ECTRA/DEC/(96)48 | ECTRA/DEC/(96)48 Regarding a European Telephony Numbering Space (ETNS) | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(11)07 | |
1996-11-01 | ERC/DEC/(96)07 | ERC/DEC/(96)07 of 1 November 1996 on the adoption of approval regulations for radio equipment to be used in the land mobile service intended for the transmission of data (and speech) and having an antenna connector, based on the European Telecommunications Standard (ETS) 300 113 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)05 | |
1996-11-01 | ERC/DEC/(96)08 | ERC/DEC/(96)08 of 1 November 1996 on the adoption of approval regulations for equipment to be used for radio relay systems operating in the fixed service for the transmission of digital signals and analogue video signals operating between 37 GHz and 39.5 GHz, based on the European Telecommunications Standard (ETS) 300 197 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)05 | |
1996-11-01 | ERC/DEC/(96)09 | ERC/DEC/(96)09 of 1 November 1996 on the adoption of approval regulations for equipment to be used for radio relay systems operating in the fixed service for the transmission of digital signals and analogue video signals operating between 21.2 GHz and 23.6 GHz based on the European Telecommunications Standard (ETS) 300 198 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)05 | |
1996-11-01 | ERC/DEC/(96)10 | ERC/DEC/(96)10 of 1 November 1996 on the adoption of approval regulations for radio equipment to be used in the land mobile service for transmitting signals to initiate a specific response in the receiver based on the Interim European Telecommunications Standard (I-ETS) 300 219 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)05 | |
1996-11-01 | ERC/DEC/(96)11 | ERC/DEC/(96)11 of 1 November 1996 on the adoption of approval regulations for radio equipment to be used in the land mobile service using an integral antenna intended primarily for analogue speech based on the European Telecommunications Standard (ETS) 300 296 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)05 | |
1996-11-01 | ERC/DEC/(96)12 | ERC/DEC/(96)12 of 1 November 1996 on the adoption of approval regulations for radio equipment to be used in the land mobile service using an integral antenna transmitting signals to initiate a specific response in the receiver based on the European Telecommunications Standard (ETS) 300 341 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)05 | |
1996-11-01 | ERC/DEC/(96)13 | ERC/DEC/(96)13 of 1 November 1996 on the adoption of approval regulations for very high frequency (VHF), frequency modulated, sound broadcasting transmitters based on the European Telecommunications Standard (ETS) 300 384 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)05 | |
1996-11-01 | ERC/DEC/(96)14 | ERC/DEC/(96)14 of 1 November 1996 on the adoption of approval regulations for radio equipment to be used in the land mobile service for the transmission of data (and speech) and using an integral antenna based on the European Telecommunications Standard (ETS) 300 390 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)05 | |
1996-11-01 | ERC/DEC/(96)15 | ERC/DEC/(96)15 of 1 November 1996 on the adoption of approval regulations for radio equipment to be used for wireless microphones in the 25 MHz to 3 GHz frequency range to be used in the mobile service based on the Interim European Telecommunications Standard (I-ETS) 300 422 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)05 | |
1996-11-01 | ERC/DEC/(96)16 | ERC/DEC/(96)16 of 1 November 1996 on the adoption of approval regulations for radio equipment to be used for wide band audio links in the frequency range 25 MHz to 3 GHz based on the European Telecommunications Standard (ETS) 300 454 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)05 | |
1996-11-01 | ERC/DEC/(96)17 | ERC/DEC/(96)17 of 1 November 1996 on the adoption of approval regulations for radio equipment to be used for wide band data transmission operating in the frequency range 2.4 GHz to 2.4835 GHz and using spread spectrum modulation techniques based on the European Telecommunications Standard (ETS) 300 328 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)05 | |
1996-11-01 | ERC/DEC/(96)18 | ERC/DEC/(96)18 of 1 November 1996 on the adoption of approval regulations for radio equipment to be used for cordless telephone apparatus operating in the mobile service in the frequency range 864.1 MHz to 868.1 MHz, based on the Interim European Telecommunications Standard (I-ETS) 300 131 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)05 | |
1996-11-01 | ERC/DEC/(96)19 | ERC/DEC/(96)19 of 1 November 1996 on the adoption of approval regulations for radio equipment to be used for on-site paging systems, based on the European Telecommunications Standard (ETS) 300 224 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)05 | |
1996-11-01 | ERC/DEC/(96)20 | ERC/DEC/(96)20 of 1 November 1996 on the adoption of approval regulations for radiotelephone transmitters and receivers for the maritime mobile service operating in the frequency range 156 MHz to 174 MHz based on the European Telecommunications Standard (ETS) 300 162 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)05 | |
1997-01-15 | ECTRA/DEC/(96)01 | ECTRA/DEC/(96)01 Regarding a European Telephony Numbering Space (ETNS) | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(11)07 | |
1997-03-12 | ECTRA/DEC/(97)01 | ECTRA/DEC/(97)01 of 12 March 1997 on the provision of information for a database of licensing requirements for VSAT/SNG | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(05)04 | |
1997-06-30 | ERC/DEC/(97)03 | ERC/DEC/(97)03 of 30 June 1997 on the Harmonised Use of Spectrum for Satellite Personal Communication Services (S-PCS) operating within the bands 1610-1626.5 MHz, 2483.5-2500 MHz,1980-2010 MHz and 2170-2200 MHz | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(09)02 | |
1997-06-30 | ERC/DEC/(97)04 | ERC/DEC/(97)04 of 30 June 1997 on transitional arrangements for the Fixed Service and the Mobile-Satellite Service in the bands 1980-2010 MHz and 2170-2200 MHz in order to facilitate the harmonised introduction and development of Satellite Personal Communications Services | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(06)10 | |
1997-06-30 | ERC/DEC/(97)06 | ERC/DEC/(97)06 of 30 June 1997 on the harmonised frequency band to be designated for Social Alarm Systems | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(08)02 | |
1997-06-30 | ERC/DEC/(97)07 | ERC/DEC/(97)07 of 30 June 1997 on the frequency bands for the introduction of the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(06)01 | |
1997-06-30 | ERC/DEC/(97)08 | ERC/DEC/(97)08 of 30 June 1997 on management of the Schiever Plan for the Terrestrial Flight Telecommunications System | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(03)03 | |
1997-06-30 | ERC/DEC/(97)09 | ERC/DEC/(97)09 of 30 June 1997 on the provision of information for a data base of licensing requirements for VSAT/SNG | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(05)04 | |
1997-06-30 | ERC/DEC/(97)10 | ERC/DEC/(97)10 of 30 June 1997 on the mutual recognition of conformity assessment procedures including marking of radio equipment and radio terminal equipment | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)04 | |
1997-07-03 | ECTRA/DEC/(97)02 | ECTRA/DEC/(97)02 of 3 July 1997 on harmonisation of authorisation conditions and co-ordination of procedures in the field of Satellite Personal Communications Services (S-PCS) in Europe, operating within the bands 1610-1626.5 MHz, 2483.5-2500 MHz, 1980-2010 MHz and 2170-2200 MHz | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(17)02 | |
1997-12-05 | ERC/DEC/(97)11 | ERC/DEC/(97)11 of 5 December 1997 on free circulation and use of DCS 1800 mobile terminals in CEPT member countries enlarging the field of application of ERC Decision (95)01 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(12)01 | |
1998-03-20 | ERC/DEC/(98)01 | ERC/DEC/(98)01 of 20 March 1998 on free circulation and use of Inmarsat-D terminals in CEPT member countries enlarging the field of application of ERC Decision (95)01 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(07)04 | |
1998-03-20 | ERC/DEC/(98)02 | ERC/DEC/(98)02 of 20 March 1998 on free circulation and use of Inmarsat-phone (also known as Inmarsat Mini-M) terminals in CEPT member countries enlarging the field of application of ERC Decision (95)01
Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(07)04 | |
1998-03-20 | ERC/DEC/(98)03 | ERC/DEC/(98)03 of 20 March 1998 on free circulation and use of EMS-PRODAT terminals in CEPT member countries enlarging the field of application of ERC Decision (95)01 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(08)07 | |
1998-03-20 | ERC/DEC/(98)04 | ERC/DEC/(98)04 of 20 March 1998 on free circulation and use of EMS-MSSAT terminals in CEPT member countries enlarging the field of application of ERC Decision (95)01
Withdrawn by ERC/DEC/(95)01 | |
1998-03-20 | ERC/DEC/(98)05 | ERC/DEC/(98)05 of 20 March 1998 on the adoption of approval regulations for short range devices operating in the frequency range 25 to 1000 MHz with power levels of up to 500 mW based on the European Standard (Telecommunications series) EN 300 220-1 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)05 | |
1998-03-20 | ERC/DEC/(98)06 | ERC/DEC/(98)06 of 20 March 1998 on the adoption of approval regulations for equipment to be used in the land mobile service as Base Station System (BSS) equipment for the GSM Digital Cellular Telecommunications system (Phase 2) based on the Interim European Telecommunications Standard (I-ETS) 300 609-1 Part 1: Radio Aspects | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)05 | |
1998-03-20 | ERC/DEC/(98)07 | ERC/DEC/(98)07 of 20 March 1998 on the adoption of approval regulations for equipment to be used in the land mobile service as Base Station System (BSS) repeaters for the GSM Digital Cellular Telecommunications system (Phase 2 and Phase 2+) based on the European Telecommunications Standard (ETS) 300 609-4 Part 4: Repeaters | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)05 | |
1998-03-20 | ERC/DEC/(98)08 | ERC/DEC/(98)08 of 20 March 1998 on the adoption of approval regulations for equipment to be used for radio relay systems operating in the fixed service for the transmission of digital signals and analogue video signals operating between 37 GHz and 39.5 GHz, based on the European Standard (Telecommunications series) EN 300 197 V1.2.1 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)05 | |
1998-03-20 | ERC/DEC/(98)09 | ERC/DEC/(98)09 of 20 March 1998 on the adoption of approval regulations for equipment to be used for radio relay systems operating in the fixed service for the transmission of digital signals and analogue video signals operating between 21.2 GHz and 23.6 GHz based on the European Standard (Telecommunications series) EN 300 197 V1.2.1 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)05 | |
1998-03-20 | ERC/DEC/(98)10 | ERC/DEC/(98)10 of 20 March 1998 on the interconnection of PMR and PAMR systems to a Public Telecommunication Network | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(12)02 | |
1998-11-23 | ERC/DEC/(98)11 | ERC/DEC/(98)11 of 23 November 1998 on the harmonised frequency band to be designated for CEPT PR 27 radio equipment and on the implementation of the technical standard for this equipment | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(11)03 | |
1998-11-23 | ERC/DEC/(98)12 | ERC/DEC/(98)12 of 23 November 1998 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of Inmarsat-D terminals for land mobile applications | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(07)05 | |
1998-11-23 | ERC/DEC/(98)13 | ERC/DEC/(98)13 of 23 November 1998 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of Inmarsat-C terminals for land mobile applications | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(07)05 | |
1998-11-23 | ERC/DEC/(98)14 | ERC/DEC/(98)14 of 23 November 1998 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of Inmarsat-M terminals for land mobile applications | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(07)05 | |
1998-11-23 | ERC/DEC/(98)15 | ERC/DEC/(98)15 of 23 November 1998 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of Omnitracs terminals for the Euteltracs system | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(17)03 | |
1998-11-23 | ERC/DEC/(98)16 | ERC/DEC/(98)16 of 23 November 1998 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of CEPT PR-27 equipment | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(11)03 | |
1998-11-23 | ERC/DEC/(98)17 | ERC/DEC/(98)17 of 23 November 1998 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of ARCANET Suitcase terminals | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(08)07 | |
1998-11-23 | ERC/DEC/(98)18 | ERC/DEC/(98)18 of 23 November 1998 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of EMS-PRODAT terminals for land mobile applications | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(08)07 | |
1998-11-23 | ERC/DEC/(98)19 | ERC/DEC/(98)19 of 23 November 1998 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of EMS-MSSAT terminals for land mobile applications | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(07)05 | |
1998-11-23 | ERC/DEC/(98)20 | ERC/DEC/(98)20 of 23 November 1998 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of GSM mobile terminals | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(12)01 | |
1998-11-23 | ERC/DEC/(98)21 | ERC/DEC/(98)21 of 23 November 1998 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of DCS 1800 (also known as GSM 1800) mobile terminals | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(12)01 | |
1998-11-23 | ERC/DEC/(98)23 | ERC/DEC/(98)23 of 23 November 1998 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of ERMES paging receivers | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(08)03 | |
1998-11-23 | ERC/DEC/(98)24 | ERC/DEC/(98)24 of 23 November 1998 on free circulation and use of ARCANET Suitcase terminals in CEPT member countries enlarging the field of application on ERC Decision (95)01 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(08)07 | |
1998-11-23 | ERC/DEC/(98)26 | ERC/DEC/(98)26 of 23 November 1998 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of PMR 446 equipment | Withdrawn by ERC/DEC/(98)25 | |
1998-11-23 | ERC/DEC/(98)27 | ERC/DEC/(98)27 of 23 November 1998 on free circulation and use of PMR 446 equipment in CEPT member countries enlarging the field of application of ERC Decision (95)01
Withdrawn by ERC/DEC/(95)01 | |
1998-11-23 | ERC/DEC/(98)28 | ERC/DEC/(98)28 of 23 November 1998 on the adoption of approval regulations for radio transmitters and receivers at aeronautical stations of the aeronautical mobile service operating in the VHF band (118 MHz-137 MHz) using amplitude modulation and 8.33 kHz channel spacing; Technical characteristics and methods of measurement based on the European Standard ETS 300 676 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)05 | |
1998-11-23 | ERC/DEC/(98)29 | ERC/DEC/(98)29 of 23 November 1998 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of Inmarsat-phone terminals (also known as Inmarsat mini-M) for land mobile applications | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(07)05 | |
1998-11-23 | ERC/DEC/(98)30 | ERC/DEC/(98)30 of 23 November 1998 on the adoption of approval regulations for Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) for railways based on the European Standard (Telecommunications series) EN 300 761 V1.1.1 (1998-01) (operating in the 2.45 GHz ISM band) | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)05 | |
1999-03-10 | ERC/DEC/(99)02 | ERC/DEC/(99)02 of 10 March 1999 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of Terrestrial Trunked Radio System (TETRA) Mobile Terminals | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(11)04 | |
1999-03-10 | ERC/DEC/(99)03 | ERC/DEC/(99)03 of 10 March 1999 on Free Circulation and Use of Terrestrial Trunked Radio System (TETRA) Civil Mobile Terminals | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(11)04 | |
1999-03-10 | ERC/DEC/(99)04 | ERC/DEC/(99)04 of 10 March 1999 on the adoption of approval regulations for radio equipment to be used in the land mobile service for Terrestrial Trunked Radio System (TETRA) based on the TBR 035 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)05 | |
1999-03-10 | ERC/DEC/(99)07 | ERC/DEC/(99)07 of 10 March 1999 on the adoption of approval regulations for short range devices operating in the frequency range 1 GHz to 25 GHz based on the Interim European Telecommunications Standard (I-ETS) 300 440 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)05 | |
1999-03-10 | ERC/DEC/(99)08 | ERC/DEC/(99)08 of 10 March 1999 on the adoption of approval regulations for equipment to be used for low and medium capacity point-to-point Digital Radio Relay Systems (DRRS) operating in the frequency range 2.1 to 2.6 GHz, based on the European Telecommunications Standard (ETS) 300 633 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)05 | |
1999-03-10 | ERC/DEC/(99)09 | ERC/DEC/(99)09 of 10 March 1999 on the adoption of approval regulations for equipment to be used for digital point-to-point radio relay systems operating in fixed service between 24.25 and 29.50 GHz, based on the European Telecommunications Standard (ETS) 300 431 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)05 | |
1999-03-10 | ERC/DEC/(99)10 | ERC/DEC/(99)10 of 10 March 1999 on the adoption of approval regulations for equipment to be used for TDMA point-to-multipoint digital radio systems operating in the frequency range 1 to 3 GHz, based on the European Telecommunications Standard (ETS) 300 636 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)05 | |
1999-03-10 | ERC/DEC/(99)11 | ERC/DEC/(99)11 of 10 March 1999 on the adoption of approval regulations for equipment to be used for low capacity point-to-point Digital Radio Relay Systems (DRRS) operating in the 1.4 GHz frequency band, based on the European Telecommunications Standard (ETS) 300 630 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)05 | |
1999-03-10 | ERC/DEC/(99)12 | ERC/DEC/(99)12 of 10 March 1999 on the adoption of approval regulations for equipment to be used for Sub-STM1 Digital Radio Relay Systems (DRRS) operating in the 13 GHz, 15 GHz and 18 GHz frequency bands with about 14 MHz co-polar channel spacing, based on the European Telecommunications Standard (ETS) 300 786 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)05 | |
1999-03-10 | ERC/DEC/(99)13 | ERC/DEC/(99)13 of 10 March 1999 on the adoption of approval regulations for equipment to be used for Sub-STM1 Digital Radio Relay Systems (DRRS) operating in the 13 GHz, 15 GHz and 18 GHz frequency bands with about 28 MHz co-polar and 14 MHz cross-polar channel spacing, based on the European Telecommunications Standard (ETS) 300 639 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)05 | |
1999-06-01 | ERC/DEC/(99)14 | ERC/DEC/(99)14 of 1 June 1999 on Technical characteristics and methods of measurement for VHF maritime (including inland waterways) radiotelephone equipment for general communications and associated equipment for Class “D” Digital Selective Calling (DSC) based on the European Standard (Telecommunications series) EN 301 025 V1.1.1 (1998-05) | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)05 | |
1999-06-01 | ERC/DEC/(99)17 | ERC/DEC/(99)17 of 1 June 1999 on the Automatic Identification and Surveillance system (AIS) channels in the maritime VHF band | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(16)03 | |
1999-11-29 | ERC/DEC/(99)18 | ERC/DEC/(99)18 of 29 November 1999 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of Inmarsat-B terminals for land mobile applications
Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(07)05 | |
1999-11-29 | ERC/DEC/(99)19 | ERC/DEC/(99)19 of 29 November 1999 on free circulation and use of Inmarsat-B terminals in CEPT member countries enlarging the field of application of ERC Decision (95)01 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(07)04 | |
1999-11-29 | ERC/DEC/(99)20 | ERC/DEC/(99)20 of 29 November 1999 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of Inmarsat-M4 terminals for land mobile applications
Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(07)05 | |
1999-11-29 | ERC/DEC/(99)21 | ERC/DEC/(99)21 of 29 November 1999 on free circulation and use of Inmarsat-M4 terminals in CEPT member countries enlarging the field of application of ERC Decision (95)01
Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(07)04 | |
1999-11-29 | ERC/DEC/(99)22 | ERC/DEC/(99)22 of 29 November 1999 on the Establishment of a Regulatory Database of licensing regimes for telecommunication networks and services | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(05)04 | |
1999-11-29 | ERC/DEC/(99)23 | ERC/DEC/(99)23 of 29 November 1999 on the harmonised frequency bands to be designated for the introduction of High Performance Radio Local Area Networks (HIPERLANs) | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)08 | |
1999-11-29 | ERC/DEC/(99)25 | ERC/DEC/(99)25 of 29 November 1999 on the harmonised utilisation of spectrum for terrestrial Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) operating within the bands 1900 - 1980 MHz, 2010 - 2025 MHz and 2110 - 2170 MHz
Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(06)01 | |
1999-12-02 | ECTRA/DEC/(99)03 | ECTRA/DEC/(99)03 on carrier pre-selection | Withdrawn | |
1999-12-02 | ECTRA/DEC/(99)04 | ECTRA/DEC/(99)04 on the adoption of approval regulations for radio equipment to be used in the land mobile service for Terrestrial Trunked Radio System (TETRA) based on the TBR 035 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)05 | |
1999-12-02 | ECTRA/DEC/(99)05 | ECTRA/DEC/(99)05 on the establishment of a regulatory database of licensing regimes for telecommunication networks and services | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(05)04 | |
2000-03-27 | ERC/DEC/(00)03 | ERC/DEC/(00)03 of 27 March 2000 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of Satellite Interactive Terminals (SITs) operating within the Frequency Bands 10.70 - 12.75 GHz space-to-Earth and 29.50 - 30.00 GHz Earth-to-Space | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(08)06 | |
2000-03-27 | ERC/DEC/(00)04 | ERC/DEC/(00)04 of 27 March 2000 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of Satellite User Terminals (SUTs) operating within the Frequency Bands 19.70 - 20.20 GHz space-to-Earth and 29.50 - 30.00 GHz Earth-to-space | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(08)06 | |
2000-03-27 | ERC/DEC/(00)05 | ERC/DEC/(00)05 of 27 March 2000 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSAT) operating in the frequency bands 14.0 - 14.25 GHz Earth-to-space and 12.5 - 12.75 GHz space-to-Earth
Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(08)06 | |
2000-03-28 | ERC/DEC/(00)01 | ERC/DEC/(00)01 of 28 March 2000 extending ERC/DEC/(97)07 on the frequency bands for the introduction of terrestrial Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(06)01 | |
2000-10-19 | ERC/DEC/(00)06 | ERC/DEC/(00)06 of 19 October 2000 on the licensing and global circulation and use of IMT-2000 terrestrial and satellite mobile terminals | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(12)01 | |
2000-10-19 | ERC/DEC/(00)09 | ERC/DEC/(00)09 of 19 October 2000 on the use of the band 27.5 – 29.5 GHz by the fixed service and uncoordinated Earth stations of the fixed-satellite services (Earth-to-space) | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(05)01 | |
2001-01-12 | ERC/DEC/(01)16 | ERC/DEC/(01)16 of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Short Range Devices used for inductive applications operating in the frequency band 26.957 - 27.283 MHz | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(11)05 | |
2001-03-12 | ERC/DEC/(01)18 | ERC/DEC/(01)18 of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Short Range Devices used for Wireless Audio Applications operating in the frequency band 863 - 865 MHz | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(08)04 | |
2001-03-12 | ERC/DEC/(01)20 | ERC/DEC/(01)20 of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequency bands to be designated for Air-Ground-Air operation (AGA) of the Digital Land Mobile Systems for the Emergency Services | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(06)05 | |
2001-03-12 | ERC/DEC/(01)21 | ERC/DEC/(01)21 of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequency band to be designated for the Direct Mode Operation (DMO) of the Digital Land Mobile Systems | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(08)02 | |
2001-03-12 | ERC/DEC/(01)22 | ERC/DEC/(01)22 of 12 March 2001 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of SpaceChecker S-SMS Mobile User Terminals
Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(07)05 | |
2001-03-12 | ERC/DEC/(01)23 | ERC/DEC/(01)23 of 12 March 2001 on free circulation and use of SpaceChecker S-SMS mobile user terminals in CEPT member countries enlarging the field of application of ERC Decision (95)01 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(07)04 | |
2001-03-12 | ERC/DEC/(01)24 | ERC/DEC/(01)24 of 12 March 2001 on free circulation and use of Thuraya mobile user terminals in CEPT member countries enlarging the field of application of ERC Decision (95)01 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(07)04 | |
2001-03-12 | ERC/DEC/(01)25 | ERC/DEC/(01)25 of 12 March 2001 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of Thuraya mobile user terminals
Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(07)05 | |
2001-03-12 | ERC/DEC/(01)01 | ERC/DEC/(01)01 of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Non-specific Short Range Devices operating in the frequency bands 6765 - 6795 kHz and 13.553 - 13.567 MHz | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(08)02 | |
2001-03-12 | ERC/DEC/(01)02 | ERC/DEC/(01)02 of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Non-specific Short Range Devices operating in the frequency band 26.957 - 27.283 MHz | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(11)05 | |
2001-03-12 | ERC/DEC/(01)03 | ERC/DEC/(01)03 of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Non-specific Short Range Devices operating in the frequency band 40.660 - 40.700 MHz | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(11)05 | |
2001-03-12 | ERC/DEC/(01)04 | ERC/DEC/(01)03 of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Non-specific Short Range Devices operating in the frequency bands 868.0 - 868.6 MHz, 868.7 - 869.2 MHz, 869.4 - 869.65 MHz, 869.7 - 870.0 MHz | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(08)04 | |
2001-03-12 | ERC/DEC/(01)05 | ERC/DEC/(01)05 of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Non-specific Short Range Devices operating in the frequency band 2400 - 2483.5 MHz | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(08)02 | |
2001-03-12 | ERC/DEC/(01)06 | ERC/DEC/(01)06 of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Non-specific Short Range Devices operating in the frequency band 5725 - 5875 MHz | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(08)02 | |
2001-03-12 | ERC/DEC/(01)07 | ERC/DEC/(01)07 of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Short Range Devices used for Radio Local Area Networks (RLANs) operating in the frequency band 2400 - 2483.5 MHz | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(11)05 | |
2001-03-12 | ERC/DEC/(01)09 | ERC/DEC/(01)09 of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Short Range Devices used for Alarms operating in the frequency bands 868.60 - 868.7 MHz, 869.25 - 869.3 MHz, 869.65 - 869.7 MHz | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(08)04 | |
2001-03-12 | ERC/DEC/(01)10 | ERC/DEC/(01)10 of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Short Range Devices used for Model control operating in the frequencies 26.995, 27.045, 27.095, 27.145 and 27.195 MHz | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(11)05 | |
2001-03-12 | ERC/DEC/(01)13 | ERC/DEC/(01)13 of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Short Range Devices used for inductive applications operating in the frequency bands 9 - 59.750 kHz, 59.750 - 60.250 kHz, 60.250 - 70 kHz, 70 - 119 kHz, 119 - 135 kHz | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(08)04 | |
2001-03-12 | ERC/DEC/(01)14 | ERC/DEC/(01)14 of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Short Range Devices used for inductive applications operating in the frequency bands 6765 - 6795 kHz, 13.553 - 13.567 MHz | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(08)02 | |
2001-03-12 | ERC/DEC/(01)15 | ERC/DEC/(01)15 of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Short Range Devices used for inductive applications operating in the frequency band 7400 - 8800 kHz | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(08)04 | |
2001-04-01 | ERC/DEC/(01)08 | ERC/DEC/(01)08 of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Short Range Devices used for Movement Detection and Alert operating in the frequency band 2400 - 2483.5 MHz
Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(18)03 | |
2001-11-15 | ECC/DEC/(01)01 | ECC/DEC/(01)01 of 15 November 2001 on Phasing out analogue CT1 and CT1+ applications in the 900 MHz band | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(17)01 | |
2001-11-15 | ECC/DEC/(01)02 | ECC/DEC/(01)02 of 15 November 2001 on phasing out digital CT2 applications in the 900 MHz band | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(17)01 |
2002-03-15 | ECC/DEC/(02)01 | ECC/DEC/(02)01 of 15 March 2002 on the frequency bands to be designated for the coordinated introduction of Road Transport and Traffic Telematic Systems | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(12)04 | |
2002-03-15 | ECC/DEC/(02)03 | ECC/DEC/(02)03 of 15 March 2002 on the availability of frequency bands for the introduction of Narrow Band Digital Land Mobile PMR/PAMR in the 400 MHz band | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(06)06 | |
2002-03-19 | ECC/DEC/(02)04 | ECC/DEC/(02)04 of 15 March 2002 on the use of the band 40.5 – 42.5 GHz by terrestrial (fixed service/ broadcasting service) systems and uncoordinated Earth stations in the fixed satellite service and broadcasting-satellite service (space to Earth) | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(23)01 | |
2002-11-15 | ECC/DEC/(02)06 | ECC/DEC/(02)06 of 15 November 2002 on the designation of frequency band 2500-2690 MHz for UMTS/IMT-2000 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(05)05 |
2002-11-15 | ECC/DEC/(02)07 | ECC/DEC/(02)07 of 15 November 2002 on the harmonised European use of the bands 1670-1675 MHz and 1800-1805 MHz and on the withdrawal of the ERC Decision (92)01 "Decision on the frequency bands to be designated for the coordinated introduction of the Terrestrial Flight Telecommunications System" | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(14)01 | |
2002-11-15 | ECC/DEC/(02)08 | ECC/DEC/(02)08 of 15 November 2002 on free circulation and use of Satellite User Terminals operating within the frequency bands 1525-1559 MHz space-to-Earth and 1626.5-1660.5 MHz Earth-to-space, in CEPT countries, enlarging the field of application of ERC Decision (95)01 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(07)04 | |
2002-11-22 | ECC/DEC/(02)11 | ECC/DEC/(02)11 of 15 November 2002 on exemption from individual licensing of Satellite User Terminals operating within the frequency bands 1525-1559 MHz space-to-Earth and 1626.5-1660.5 MHz Earth-to-space, for land mobile applications | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(07)05 | |
2003-03-14 | ECC/DEC/(03)01 | ECC/DEC/(03)01 of 14 March 2003 on the availability of frequency bands for the introduction of 200 kHz Wide Band Digital Land Mobile PMR/PAMR in the 400 MHz and 800/900 MHz bands | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(04)06 | |
2003-10-17 | ECC/DEC/(03)02 | ECC/DEC/(03)02 of 17 October 2003 on the designation of the frequency band 1479.5-1492 MHz for use by Satellite Digital Audio Broadcasting systems | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(13)02 | |
2003-10-31 | ERC/DEC/(97)01 | ERC/DEC/(97)01 of 21 March 1997 on the publication of national tables of frequency allocations | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(03)06 | |
2004-03-19 | ECC/DEC/(04)01 | ECC/DEC/(04)01 of 19 March 2004 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Short Range Devices used for detecting Avalanche Victims on the frequency 457 kHz | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(09)05 | |
2004-03-19 | ECC/DEC/(04)02 | ECC/DEC/(04)02 of 19 March 2004 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Non-Specific Short Range Devices operating in the frequency band 433.050-434.790 MHz excluding audio and voice applications | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(09)05 | |
2004-03-19 | ECC/DEC/(04)07 | ECC/DEC/(04)07 of 19 March 2004 on European Telephony Numbering Space (ETNS) Conventions | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(11)07 | |
2005-03-18 | ERC/DEC/(97)05 | ERC/DEC/(97)05 of 30 June 1997 and amended by ECC 18 March 2005 on free circulation, use and licensing of Mobile Earth Stations of Satellite Personal Communications Services (S-PCS) operating within the bands 1610-1626.5 MHz, 2483.5-2500 MHz, 1980-2010 MHz and 2170-2200 MHz within the CEPT | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(07)04 | |
2006-03-30 | ECC/DEC/(06)02 | ECC/DEC/(06)02 of 24 March 2006 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of Low e.i.r.p. Satellite Terminals (LEST) operating within the frequency bands 10.70–12.75 GHz or 19.70–20.20 GHz space-to-Earth and 14.00–14.25 GHz or 29.50–30.00 GHz Earth-to-Space | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(06)03 | |
2007-03-30 | ECC/DEC/(07)02 | ECC/DEC/(07)02 of 30 March 2007 on availability of frequency bands between 3400-3800 MHz for the harmonised implementation of Broadband Wireless Access systems (BWA) | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(18)02 | |
2007-07-21 | ECC/DEC/(07)05 | ECC/DEC/(07)05 of 21 December 2007 on exemption from individual licensing of land mobile satellite terminals operating in the Mobile-Satellite Service allocations in the frequency range 1-3 GHz | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(12)01 | |
2008-03-14 | ERC/DEC/(95)01 | ERC/DEC/(95)01 of 1 December 1995 on the free circulation and use of certain radio equipment in CEPT member countries
latest amended on 14 March 2008 |
Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(21)03 |
2008-10-31 | ECC/DEC/(06)12 | ECC/DEC/(06)12 of 1 December 2006 and amended 31 October 2008 on supplementary regulatory provisions to Decision ECC/DEC/(06)04 for UWB devices using mitigation techniques | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(06)04 | |
2010-03-21 | ERC/DEC/(99)15 | ERC/DEC/(99)15 of 1 June 1999 on the designation of the harmonised frequency band 40.5 to 43.5 GHz for the introduction of Multimedia Wireless Systems (MWS) and Point-to-Point (P-P) Fixed Wireless Systems
latest amended on 5 March 2010 |
Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(22)05 |
2011-03-11 | ECC/DEC/(02)09 | ECC/DEC/(02)09 of 15 November 2002 on free circulation and use of GSM-R mobile terminals operating within the frequency bands 876-880 MHz and 921-925 MHz for railway purposes in CEPT countries, enlarging the field of application of ERC Decision (95)01, amended on 11 March 2011
Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(20)02 | |
2011-03-11 | ECC/DEC/(02)10 | ECC/DEC/(02)10 of 15 November 2002 on exemption from individual licensing of GSM-R mobile terminals operating within the frequency bands 876-880 MHz and 921-925 MHz for railway purposes, amended on 11 March 2011
Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(20)02 | |
2011-12-09 | ECC/DEC/(11)04 | ECC/DEC/(11)04 of 9 December 2011 on Exemption from individual licensing of digital terminals of narrowband and wideband PMR/PAMR/PPDR systems and free circulation and use of digital terminals of narrowband and wideband PPDR systems operating in the 80 MHz, 160 MHz, 380-470 MHz and 800/900 MHz bands | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(19)01 | |
2011-12-09 | ECC/DEC/(04)06 | ECC/DEC/(04)06 of 19 March 2004 on the availability of frequency bands for the introduction of Wide Band Digital Land Mobile PMR/PAMR in the 400 MHz and 800/900 MHz bands, latest amended on 9 December 2011 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(19)02 | |
2012-06-01 | ERC/DEC/(98)25 | ERC/DEC/(98)25 of 23 November 1998 amended on 1 June 2012 on the harmonised frequency band to be designated for PMR 446 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(15)05 | |
2013-03-11 | ECC/DEC/(02)05 | ECC/DEC/(02)05 of 5 July 2002 on the designation and availability of frequency bands for railway purposes in the 876-880 MHz and 921-925 MHz bands, amended on 8 March 2013 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(20)02 |
2013-11-08 | ECC/DEC/(06)06 | ECC/DEC/(06)06 of 7 July 2006 on the availability of frequency bands for the introduction of Narrow Band Digital Land Mobile PMR/PAMR in the 80 MHz, 160 MHz and 400 MHz bands, amended on 8 November 2013 | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(19)02 | |
2014-06-01 | ECC/DEC/(07)04 | ECC/DEC/(07)04 of 21 December 2007 on free circulation and use of mobile satellite terminals operating in the Mobile-Satellite Service allocations in the frequency range 1-3 GHz | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(12)01 | |
2015-07-03 | ECC/DEC/(05)12 | ECC/DEC/(05)12 of 28 October 2005 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics, exemption from individual licensing and free carriage and use of digital PMR 446 applications operating in the frequency band 446.1-446.2 MHz | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(15)05 | |
2015-07-03 | ECC/DEC/(15)02 | ECC/DEC/(15)02 of 3 July 2015 on the harmonised use of broadband Direct Air-to-Ground Communications (DA2GC) systems in the frequency band 1900-1920 MHz | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(18)01 | |
2015-07-03 | ECC/DEC/(15)03 | ECC/DEC/(15)03 of 3 July 2015 on the harmonised use of broadband Direct Air-to-Ground Communications (DA2GC) systems in the frequency band 5855-5875 MHz | Withdrawn by ECC/DEC/(22)04 |