Country |
Implementation Status |
Date (of update) |
Date (of activation) |
Remarks |
Albania |
Yes |
04-10-2010 |
Implemented through reference in the National Frequency Allocation Table, Government Decision Nr.479, Dt. 06.05.2009 |
Andorra |
No info |
Austria |
Yes |
19-01-2011 |
Azerbaijan |
No info |
Belgium |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
No info |
Bulgaria |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
Following the alignment of the legislation with the provisions of the Code, currently implemented by Rules for free use of radio frequency spectrum, published in the Bulgarian Official Gazette No. 92 of November 5, 2021. The use of HEST is permitted only if they operate with an ITU-registered satellite system. The use of HEST operating under the control of satellite systems that are not registered in the ITU is allowed only when in the process of international coordination Bulgaria has not expressed disagreement with the use of these systems or has given its consent. |
Croatia |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
Implemented through reference in the NTFA. Issued general licence OD-90, OD-91 |
Cyprus |
Yes |
29-05-2012 |
Czech Republic |
Yes |
26-02-2020 |
Maximum e.i.r.p. 60 dBW |
Denmark |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
Implementation through reference in the national table of frequency allocations and executive order (at present No No 758 of 1 June 2015). Maximum e.i.r.p. 60 dBW |
Estonia |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
Implemented through reference in "Conditions for use of radio frequencies and technical requirements for radio equipment exempted from frequency authorisation".
Maximum e.i.r.p. 60 dBW |
Finland |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
Implemented by Regulations TRAFICOM 4 on radio frequency regulation, see https://www.traficom.fi/en/regulations/radio-frequency-regulation-4 and TRAFICOM 15 on collective frequencies for licence-exempt radio transmitters and on their use, see https://www.traficom.fi/en/regulations/regulation-15-collective-frequencies-licence-exempt-radio-transmitters-and-their-use ;
14.00 - 14.25 GHz and 29.5 - 30 GHz with a maximum e.i.r.p. of 50 dBW |
France |
Yes |
23-01-2014 |
When under the control of an authorised satellite network |
Georgia |
No info |
Germany |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
Terminals are exempted from individual licensing but the operation is allowed only under the control of a satellite network, which needs to be authorised by the NRA. The radio application is limited to the frequency band 14.00 - 14.25 GHz with a maximum e.i.r.p. of 50 dB(W). |
Greece |
Yes |
05-02-2016 |
Hungary |
Yes |
09-03-2023 |
Decree No. 7/2015 (XI.13.)NMHH on the national frequency allocation and the rules of using frequency bands |
Iceland |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
Implementation through reference in the National Table of Frequency Allocation.
Maximum e.i.r.p. 50 dBW |
Ireland |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
See National Legalisation S.I.295 of 2007
See National Legalisation S.I. 226 of 2020
See National Legalisation S.I. 197 of 2005
Italy |
Yes |
02-11-2015 |
Implemented by the decree of Ministry of the Economic Development of 27 May 2015 and published in the Italian Official Gazette No. 143 dated 23 June 2015 |
Latvia |
Yes |
23-01-2014 |
Liechtenstein |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
Terminals are license exempt on the condition that the terminals are under the control of a network for which a valid license is required. |
Lithuania |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
Implemented by Order No. 1V-173 of the Director of the Communications Regulatory Authority of 19 February 2008 on the amendment of Order No. 1V-27 of the Director of the Communications Regulatory Authority of 13 March 2003 on Approval of the List of Frequencies (channels), which may be used without an individual authorization |
Luxembourg |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
Through reference in Luxembourg's national table of frequency allocations |
Malta |
Yes |
12-01-2016 |
Moldova |
Yes |
16-11-2023 |
Monaco |
No info |
Montenegro |
Yes |
26-10-2010 |
Implemented through reference in the National Frequency Allocation Table and in the Rulebook on radio-frequencies and the condition under they can be used without individual authorisation |
Netherlands |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
Exemption from individual licensing is implemented in the relevant executive order.
Maximum e.i.r.p. 50 dBW.
Maximum transmitter output power 2W |
North Macedonia |
Yes |
01-06-2012 |
Norway |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
Implemented through regulations concerning general authorisations for the use of radio frequencies
Satellite Interactive Terminals (SITs) 50 dBW e.i.r.p.
Satellite User Terminals (SUTs) 50 dBW e.i.r.p.
Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSAT) 80 dBW e.i.r.p. |
Poland |
Yes |
18-07-2018 |
Portugal |
Yes |
21-10-2010 |
Press release containing the Decision published (Spectru no 123, September/October 2009) |
Romania |
Yes |
04-10-2010 |
Included in the National Table of Frequency Allocations (www.ancom.org.ro) |
San Marino |
No info |
Serbia |
Yes |
27-09-2010 |
Implementation per 3 July 2020 through reference in the national table of frequency allocations |
Slovak Republic |
Yes |
22-11-2023 |
Slovenia |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
Spain |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
Sweden |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
Implemented by PTS Exemption Regulations.
The maximum effect allowed is 60 dBW e.i.r.p. |
Switzerland |
Yes |
01-01-2022 |
Terminals are license exempt on the condition that the terminals are under the control of a network for which a valid spectrum license for the Swiss territory is required. |
Türkiye |
Yes |
15-04-2013 |
Ukraine |
No |
30-03-2011 |
United Kingdom |
Yes Partly |
17-11-2021 |
Terminals in 14 - 14.25 GHz and 29.5 - 30 GHz are authorised under an Earth Station Network licence where individual licensing of terminals is required only in a few number of cases. |
Vatican City |
No info |