Implementation status


ERC/DEC/(98)16 of 23 November 1998 on Exemption from Individual Licensing of CEPT PR-27 equipment

Implementation Summary
Yes 28
Yes Partly 0
Committed 1
Planned 0
Under study 1
See remarks 0
No 5
No info 11
Country Implementation Status Date Remarks
Albania Yes 20-10-2010 Implemented through the Radio Spectrum Utilisation Plan
Andorra No info
Austria Yes 01-09-2009 General Licenses Ordinance, published in Federal Law Gazette II Nr. 98/2001
Azerbaijan No info
Belgium No 01-09-2009
Bosnia and Herzegovina No info
Bulgaria Yes 01-09-2009 Implemented through reference in the National Frequency Allocation Table and Regulation on performance of electronic communications for own needs by means of radio equipment using radiofrequency spectrum which is not individually assigned
Croatia Yes 01-09-2009
Cyprus Yes 01-09-2009 Adopted by the article 17.3.(c) of the Radiocommunications Law by a Ministerial Order (P.I. 133/2004). No further authorisation required for conformant transmitters/stations
Czech Republic Yes 01-09-2009 VO-R/7/08.2005-22
Denmark Yes 01-09-2009 Implementation through reference in the national table of frequency allocations and executive order (at present No 1119 of 27 November 2009)
Estonia Yes 01-09-2009 Implemented through reference in "Conditions for use of radio frequencies and technical requirements for radio equipment exempted from frequency authorisation"
Finland Yes 01-09-2009 Implemented by Regulation FICORA 15, see
France Yes 01-09-2009 Terminal equipment is exempted from individual licence in accordance with the French telecommunications law. See
Georgia No info
Germany Yes 01-09-2009
Greece No info
Hungary Yes 01-09-2009 Decree No. 35/2004 (XII.28.) IHM on the establishment of the rules relating to the use of frequency bands
Iceland Yes 01-09-2009 Telecommunications law nr 143/1996, art. 25
Ireland Yes 01-09-2009 Statutory Instrument 436 of 1998 refers. The SI permits the use of AM equipment conforming to the relevant ETSI standard and uses the title CB rather than PR-27
Italy No info
Latvia Yes 01-09-2009
Liechtenstein Yes 01-09-2009 Only in band 26960-27283 kHz; max. 10mW erp
Lithuania Yes 01-09-2009 Implemented by the Order No.1-V27 of the Director of the Communications Regulatory Authority of 13 March 2003 on the Approval of the List of Frequencies (channels) which may be used without an individual authorisation
Luxembourg Yes 01-09-2009
Malta Under study 01-09-2009
Moldova No info
Monaco No info
Montenegro Yes 26-10-2010
Netherlands Yes 01-09-2009
North Macedonia No 01-09-2009 Individual licence necessary, under very light regime
Norway Yes 01-09-2009 Implemented through national regulation
Poland No info
Portugal Yes 01-09-2009 Press release containing the Decision published (Spectru no 43, July 2002)
Romania Yes 01-09-2009 Implemented by the Decision no.62/2005 of the President of the Inspectorate General for Communications and Information Technology, published in Official Journal of Romania, Part I no.138/15.02.2005, modified and completed by Decision no.345/2006 published in Official Journal of Romania, Part I no.332/13.04.2006
San Marino No info
Serbia No 27-09-2010
Slovak Republic Yes 01-09-2009 General Licence VPR-01/2000
Slovenia Yes 01-09-2009 brezODRF
Spain No 01-09-2009
Sweden Yes 01-09-2009 Implemented by PTS Exemption Regulations
Switzerland No 01-09-2009 Individual licence necessary, however under very light regime
Türkiye Yes 21-10-2010
Ukraine Yes 31-03-2011
United Kingdom Committed 01-09-2009 Equipment can currently be used under the WT Act Citizens Band Radio licence
Vatican City No info