Country |
Implementation Status |
Date (of update) |
Date (of activation) |
Remarks |
Albania |
No info |
Andorra |
No info |
Austria |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
Azerbaijan |
No info |
Belgium |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
No info |
Bulgaria |
No info |
Croatia |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
Cyprus |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
This Decision has been withdrawn by the ECC/DEC/(04)05 |
Czech Republic |
Under study |
01-09-2009 |
Current legislative prescribes inter alia an obligation of registration (kept in Czech language) at Commercial Register of the Czech Republic for each subject entering to local market. New legislative based on set of EC Telecommunication Directives, which is expected to enter into force on 1st January 2005, will significantly change regulatory environment. Under these conditions will be then reconsidered the commitment status of this Decision |
Denmark |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
Estonia |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
Finland |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
Decision by the Board of TAC 19 January 2000 |
France |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
Georgia |
No info |
Germany |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
Greece |
No info |
Hungary |
No info |
Iceland |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
Law on Post- and Telecom Admin. Nr 110/1999, art. 3 |
Ireland |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
Italy |
No info |
Latvia |
No |
01-09-2009 |
Liechtenstein |
No info |
Lithuania |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
Replaced by ECC/DEC/(05)04 |
Luxembourg |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
Through reference in Luxembourg's national table of frequency allocations |
Malta |
No info |
Moldova |
No info |
Monaco |
No info |
Montenegro |
No info |
Netherlands |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
North Macedonia |
No info |
Norway |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
Poland |
No info |
Portugal |
No info |
Romania |
No info |
San Marino |
No info |
Serbia |
No info |
Slovak Republic |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
Slovenia |
No |
01-09-2009 |
Spain |
No info |
Sweden |
No |
01-09-2009 |
Information for all telecom services, which only need a notification and for VSAT services (SAT OSS), are already given on the One-Stop-Shopping website at ERO. For other services it is better to have a direct contact with the telecomoperator instead of having some general information on a website |
Switzerland |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
The implementation needs no special legal action as article 20 paragraph 1 letter g of the Decree of the Federal Council on Telecommunications Equipment and article 8 letter b of the Decree of the Federal Council on Frequency Management and Radio Licences, both dated October 6, 1997, already provide for the necessary legal framework. So far as the designation of frequency bands is concerned the implementation will be realised by according revision of the national frequency allocation table |
Türkiye |
Committed |
01-09-2009 |
Since the necessary secondary legislation on licensing satellite services could be completed on 04.02.02 and licenses have been issued since 15.02.02, the information required for filling the questionnaire that's annexed to this Decision could then be gathered. These answers are going to be sent to ERO officially as soon as possible |
Ukraine |
No info |
United Kingdom |
Yes |
01-09-2009 |
Vatican City |
No info |