Country |
Implementation Status |
Date (of update) |
Date (of activation) |
Remarks |
Albania |
no info / see remarks |
Andorra |
implemented |
20-06-2017 |
Austria |
implemented |
20-06-2017 |
Azerbaijan |
no info / see remarks |
Belgium |
no info / see remarks |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
implemented |
07-01-2020 |
Bulgaria |
not implemented / see remarks |
20-06-2017 |
Bulgaria had presented the following more detailed information relating to notification under Article 1, § 3 of the RSPP: The usage of the frequency band 800 MHz (766790-814 MHz and 822-862 MHz) is a historical fact and is due to the use of Russian equipment for the Air Force of the Republic of Bulgaria. This situation is notified in the footnote 5.312 of the Radio Regulations of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Only channel 64 (814-822 MHz) could be used for television broadcasting in the country and is coordinated with all neighboring countries under the Plan Ge-06 of ITU for the service areas Ruse, Varna, Stara Zagora. Concerning the frequency bands 766-814 MHz and 822-862 MHz which are used by the Ministry of Defense for air navigation, their release requires significant resources from the state budget (the frequency bands 790-814 MHz and 822-862 MHz), which is why we have submitted the notification under Art. 1, § 3 RSPP. The use of the bands 766-814 MHz and 822-862 MHz for aeronautical radio navigation is absolutely necessary because it is related to the defense capability of Bulgaria. We are doing our best in the situation of financial crisis to provide the necessary financial resources for releasing the frequency bands 790-814 MHz and 822-862 MHz from the Ministry of Defense by the end of 2016 at the latest |
Croatia |
implemented |
20-06-2017 |
Implemented through NTFA and frequency assignment plan |
Cyprus |
no info / see remarks |
Czech Republic |
planned |
14-09-2017 |
Denmark |
implemented |
20-06-2017 |
Administrative implementation |
Estonia |
implemented |
20-06-2017 |
Bilaterial coordination agreements |
Finland |
limited implementation / see remarks |
20-06-2017 |
Relevant parts of the Recommendation has been taken into account in the coordination agreements |
France |
under study |
20-06-2017 |
Georgia |
implemented |
30-05-2024 |
Germany |
implemented |
20-06-2017 |
Greece |
no info / see remarks |
Hungary |
not implemented / see remarks |
09-03-2023 |
Iceland |
no info / see remarks |
Ireland |
implemented |
20-06-2017 |
See National Legalisation S.I. 251 of 2012
See National Legalisation S.I. 34 of 2014
Italy |
under study |
20-06-2017 |
Latvia |
not implemented / see remarks |
20-06-2017 |
Liechtenstein |
implemented |
13-10-2022 |
Lithuania |
implemented |
20-06-2017 |
Implemented by Order No. 1V-1136 of the Director of the Communications Regulatory Authority of 14 November 2011 on the amendment of Order No. 1V-1160 of the Director of the Communications Regulatory Authority of 24 December 2008 on the Approval of the Plan for the Use of Radio Frequencies |
Luxembourg |
implemented |
20-06-2017 |
Through reference in Luxembourg's national table of frequency allocations |
Malta |
no info / see remarks |
Moldova |
implemented |
16-11-2023 |
Monaco |
no info / see remarks |
Montenegro |
implemented |
20-06-2017 |
Implemented through reference in the National Frequency Allocation Table and by Frequency allocation plan for the band 790-862 MHz for TRA-ECS |
Netherlands |
implemented |
20-06-2017 |
North Macedonia |
implemented |
20-06-2017 |
Norway |
under study |
20-06-2017 |
Poland |
implemented |
18-07-2018 |
Portugal |
no info / see remarks |
Romania |
no info / see remarks |
San Marino |
no info / see remarks |
Serbia |
implemented |
31-01-2022 |
Implementation per 3 July 2020 through reference in the national table of frequency allocations |
Slovak Republic |
implemented |
22-11-2023 |
Slovenia |
implemented |
20-06-2017 |
Spain |
no info / see remarks |
Sweden |
not implemented / see remarks |
20-06-2017 |
Satisfying coordination agreements with neighbouring countries are in place since 2010, no current plan to change |
Switzerland |
implemented |
01-01-2018 |
Türkiye |
implemented |
20-06-2017 |
Ukraine |
no info / see remarks |
United Kingdom |
implemented |
20-06-2017 |
Used for Cross border-coordination agreements between UK and neighbouring countries |
Vatican City |
no info / see remarks |