Implementation status


ECC/DEC/(09)02 of 26 June 2009 on the harmonisation of the bands 1610-1626.5 MHz and 2483.5-2500 MHz for use by systems in the Mobile-Satellite Service amended on 2 November 2012 (ECC#32)

Implementation Summary
implemented 36
limited implementation / see remarks 2
planned 1
under study 1
not implemented / see remarks 0
no info / see remarks 6
Country Implementation Status Date (of update) Date (of activation) Remarks
Albania implemented 17-12-2014
Andorra no info / see remarks
Austria implemented 10-04-2012
Azerbaijan no info / see remarks
Belgium implemented 25-11-2014
Bosnia and Herzegovina no info / see remarks
Bulgaria implemented 01-09-2015 Following the alignment of the legislation with the provisions of the Code, currently implemented by Rules for use of radio frequency spectrum for electronic communication networks from satellite radio services after authorisation, published in the Bulgarian Official Gazette No. 91 of November 2, 2021 and Rules for free use of radio frequency spectrum, published in the Bulgarian Official Gazette No. 92 of November 5, 2021.
Croatia implemented 16-12-2010 Implemented through reference in the NTFA. Issued general licence OD-129
Cyprus implemented 29-05-2012
Czech Republic implemented 26-02-2020 Radio Spectrum Utilisation Plan, Parts PV-P/14/03.2021-1, PV-P/20/07.2021-7
Denmark implemented 10-07-2012 Implementation through reference in the national table of frequency allocations
Estonia implemented 23-04-2013 Implemented through reference in "The Estonian radio frequency allocation plan" and "Conditions for use of radio frequencies and technical requirements for radio equipment exempted from frequency authorisation"
Finland implemented 20-10-2010 Implemented by Regulation TRAFICOM 4 on radio frequency regulation, see
France implemented 19-05-2010
Georgia implemented 30-05-2024
Germany implemented 01-09-2009 Earth station network license needed in Germany
Greece under study 17-12-2014
Hungary implemented 09-03-2023 Decree No. 7/2015 (XI.13.)NMHH on the national frequency allocation and the rules of using frequency bands
Iceland implemented 29-10-2010 Implementation through reference in the National Table of Frequency Allocation
Ireland implemented 04-03-2014 See National Legalisation S.I. 214 of 1998 See National Legalisation S.I. 226 of 2020
Italy implemented 02-11-2015 Implemented by the decree of Ministry of the Economic Development of 27 May 2015 and published in the Italian Official Gazette No. 143 dated 23 June 2015
Latvia implemented 04-10-2012
Liechtenstein implemented 05-12-2013
Lithuania implemented 26-06-2012 Implemented by Order No. 1V-1136 of the Director of the Communications Regulatory Authority of 14 November 2011 on the amendment of Order No. 1V-1160 of the Director of the Communications Regulatory Authority of 24 December 2008 on the Approval of the Plan for the Use of Radio Frequencies
Luxembourg implemented 29-09-2010 Through reference in Luxembourg's national table of frequency allocations
Malta implemented 12-01-2016
Moldova implemented 16-11-2023
Monaco no info / see remarks
Montenegro implemented 26-10-2010 Implemented through reference in the National Frequency Allocation Table and in the Rulebook on radio-frequencies and the condition under they can be used without individual authorisation
Netherlands implemented 03-11-2014
North Macedonia implemented 26-07-2016
Norway implemented 01-09-2009 Implemented through regulations concerning general authorisations for the use of radio frequencies
Poland implemented 18-07-2018
Portugal implemented 05-03-2014 Publication underway
Romania implemented 17-12-2014
San Marino no info / see remarks
Serbia implemented Implementation per 3 July 2020 through reference in the national table of frequency allocations
Slovak Republic implemented 10-07-2012
Slovenia implemented 28-06-2010 NTFA
Spain implemented 13-11-2014
Sweden limited implementation / see remarks 05-01-2015 Implemented by the Swedish National Frequency Allocation Table in conjunction with PTS Licence Exempetion Regulations. Requirements for protection of RAS deviates from the Decision. Satellite downlink is governed by the ITU coordination procedures
Switzerland implemented 01-09-2009
Türkiye implemented 04-06-2012
Ukraine planned 30-03-2011
United Kingdom limited implementation / see remarks 17-11-2021 The bands are licence-exempt in accordance with regulations on "Land Mobile-Satellite Service Stations":
Vatican City no info / see remarks