Implementation status


ECC/DEC/(03)02 of 17 October 2003 on the designation of the frequency band 1479.5-1492 MHz for use by Satellite Digital Audio Broadcasting systems

Implementation Summary
Yes 31
Yes Partly 0
Committed 0
Planned 0
Under study 2
See remarks 0
No 3
No info 10
Country Implementation Status Date (of update) Date (of activation) Remarks
Albania Yes 04-10-2010 Implemented through reference in the National Frequency Allocation Table, Government Decision Nr.479, Dt. 06.05.2009
Andorra No info
Austria Yes 01-09-2009 Implemented with the Frequency Utilisation Ordinance
Azerbaijan No info
Belgium Yes 01-09-2009 Reference in NTFA
Bosnia and Herzegovina No info
Bulgaria Yes 01-09-2009 Implemented through reference in the National Frequency Allocation Table and Technical requirements for the operation of the electronic communications networks and the relevant equipment in fixed-satellite and mobile-satellite services
Croatia Yes 01-09-2009
Cyprus Yes 01-09-2009 Incorporated into National Frequency Allocation Table
Czech Republic Yes 01-09-2009 Plan of Radio Spectrum Utilisation, Part. No. PV-P/20/09.2008-08
Denmark Yes 01-09-2009 Implementation through reference in the national table of frequency allocations
Estonia Yes 01-09-2009 Implemented through the Estonian Radio Frequency Allocation Plan adopted by the decree of Minister of Economic Affairs and Communications no 61 of 04.04.03
Finland Yes 01-09-2009 Implemented by Regulation FICORA 4 on use of radio frequencies, see
France Yes 01-09-2009 French table of frequency allocation - Footnote F062
Georgia No info
Germany Yes 01-09-2009
Greece No info
Hungary Yes 01-09-2009 National footnote H133 of the National Table of Frequency Allocations, which was published by Government Decree No. 346/2004 (XII.22.)Korm.
Iceland Yes 01-09-2009 National Table of Frequency Allocation
Ireland Yes 01-09-2009 Provision made in the NTFA
Italy Yes 10-06-2011 Implemented by the decree of Ministry of the Economic Development of 13 November 2008 and published in the Italian Official Gazette No. 273 dated 21 November 2008
Latvia Yes 01-09-2009
Liechtenstein Yes 01-09-2009
Lithuania Yes 01-09-2009 Implemented by Order No. 1V-1160 of the Director of the Communications Regulatory Authority of 24 December 2008 on the Aproval of the Plan for the Use of Radio Frequencies
Luxembourg Yes 01-09-2009 Through reference in Luxembourg's national table of frequency allocations
Malta Yes 01-09-2009
Moldova No 01-09-2009
Monaco No info
Montenegro Yes 09-11-2011 Through reference in the NFAT
Netherlands Yes 01-09-2009
North Macedonia Yes 01-09-2009
Norway Yes 01-09-2009
Poland No info
Portugal Yes 01-09-2009 Press release containing the Decision published (Spectru no 87, June 2006).
Romania Yes 01-09-2009 Included in the National Table of Frequency Allocations
San Marino No info
Serbia No 27-09-2010
Slovak Republic Yes 01-09-2009 Included in the National Table of the Frequency Allocation
Slovenia No 11-09-2012
Spain Under study 01-09-2009
Sweden Yes 01-09-2009 Implemented in National Frequency Allocation Table
Switzerland Yes 01-09-2009
Türkiye Yes 21-10-2010
Ukraine Under study 30-03-2011
United Kingdom No info
Vatican City No info